100 Chruce Drabbles - T - Chloe/Bruce - Prompts 51 to 55

Oct 08, 2008 16:31

Title: Above All Else
Category: Smallville/Batman Crossover
Rating: K+
Genre: Drama/Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Bruce
Prompt: #051 - Chaos
Community: ficlets100
Word Count: 100
Summary: It was chaos all around.

Above All Else

It was chaos all around. The streets were burning, the buildings crumbling, the people running. He pushed through crowds, sans his batsuit, searching for the one person he needed right now, the one person he had to get out of Gotham and to safety. A helicopter was waiting to take her away from all this.


He turned, eyes scanning and spotted her there, her blonde hair a mess, soot smeared across her face, a disbelieving smile on her face. He let out the tight breath he'd been holding for so long and ran to her, relief in every step.

Title: I Quit You
Category: Smallville/Batman Crossover
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairing: Chloe/Bruce
Prompt: #052 - Spine
Community: ficlets100
Word Count: 99
Summary: "That's it! I quit!"

I Quit You

"That's it! I quit."

"What? You can't just quit! This is important League business. We-"

"Oh I'll still help the League. I'll call up Ollie and get a ride back on his jet early tomorrow." She didn't miss how his lips twitched. "I quit you. I quit your brooding and your charm and your lack of backbone when it concerns anything good for you. I'm not going to wait around for you to grow that spine and realize I'm right in front of you! So-"

He kissed her and she decided to retract her resignation on spot.

Title: I Object
Category: Smallville/Batman Crossover
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance/Drama/Humor
Pairing: Chloe/Bruce
Prompt: #053 - Mail
Community: ficlets100
Word Count: 101
Summary: "Is that what I think it is?"

I Object


"You have mail, sir."

"Is that what I think it is?"

Alfred frowned. "I believe so, Master Wayne."

With a nod, he picked up the letter, opening it with a barely visible shake to his hands. Clearing his throat, he read it aloud. "Gabe Sullivan would like to invite you to the much celebrated wedding of his daughter..." His jaw clenched.

"Should I RSVP, sir, or will we be crashing, as they call it?"

Bruce glowered. "How angry do you think she'd be if I whisked her away to a remote island?"

Alfred smiled. "Quite, sir. I'll prepare the jet."

Title: The World To Him
Category: Smallville/Batman Crossover
Rating: K+
Genre: Angst/Drama/Family
Pairing: Chloe/Bruce
Prompt: #054 - World
Community: ficlets100
Word Count: 100
Summary: While he only had Gotham to keep safe, sometimes it felt as though the world was on his shoulders.

The World To Him

While he only had Gotham to keep safe, sometimes is felt as though the world was on his shoulders. And those heavy responsibilities only got worse as the years went by, as he became darker and the city only flourished with crime and hatred. When he married a woman out to save the world, Gotham included, he had hoped that their combined efforts would make a difference. But she died for the cause and left their son in his care and when he picked his little boy up he knew he really did have the world to take care of.

Title: Age Old Techniques
Category: Smallville/Batman Crossover
Rating: K+
Genre: Humor/Family
Pairing: Chloe/Bruce
Prompt: #055 - Easy
Community: ficlets100
Word Count: 100
Summary: "You can take down bad guys, rid Gotham of its darkest enemies, but you can't do this?"

Age Old Techniques

"You can take down bad guys, rid Gotham of its darkest enemies, but you can't do this?"

"It's not as easy as it looks," he replied stiffly.

"Bruce... People have been doing this for ages. This is something you're going to have to get used to. You'll be doing it for awhile."

He lifted a brow at her. "Alfred-"

"Has better things to do. Now... Try again."

His nose wrinkled but he turned back around to stare at his young son wiggling around on the table before him. "I hate diapers."

His son giggled, blowing spit bubbles at him.

[ Next: Prompts 56 to 60.]

drabble - batman: tdk/sv - chruce, fic: 100 chruce drabbles, crossover: batman/smallville, ship: chloe/bruce, status: complete

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