Title: When The Parents Are Away...
Rating: K+
Genre: Humor/Family/Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Oliver, Leslie Queen (OFC)/Kyle (OMC)
Prompt:#010 - Home
Word Count: 2,655
Summary: The party of the year was going on downstairs but Leslie Queen had long ago let it continue on without her.
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Comments 3
Oliver lifted a warning brow. "When you grow up, fall in love, and have a wife even half as incredible as my wife, you're going to learn quickly to appease those little things. Besides... I love that perfume on her."
"Aww, Ollie..." they could hear over the phone.
Leslie rolled her eyes. "Great... You're getting lovey-dovey and you're not even in the same room!"
"Would you rather us return to yelling at you?" Chloe asked, her tone clearly quite irritated.
"Um, no... Go about the lovey-doveyness."
LOL! So funny! The dialogue was wonderful, as always. The ending cracked me up, with Leslie deciding that Bart would take her to whatever party she wanted.
Ooh, and I love how Chlollie was so adorable, even after all these years and Leslie found it sweet, even if she was a bit grossed out.
Wonderful job! This was entertaining.
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