5 Reasons Sam Knows Chloe Is Perfect for Dean - T - Chloe/Dean, Sam - Part Three

Sep 24, 2008 19:55

Title: Five Reasons Sam Knows Chloe Is Perfect For Dean
Category: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: T
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Word Count: 1,097
Summary: Sam Winchester has five reasons that prove Chloe Sullivan is the perfect woman for his brother Dean.

Previous:  Reason I, Reason II,

III. She Encourages His Hunting, Only If He Wants To

The Motel room door slammed as Dean came stomping inside, covered head to toe in ectoplasm, mud and blood. He grumbled under his breath, his sawed off hanging from his hand as he collapsed into a chair across from them. Chloe merely glanced up at him, half-smiled and then turned her attention back to her laptop.

"W-What happened to you?" Sam asked, stifling his laughter and staring at his brother with large eyes.

He glared. "Hunting," he said, voice so dark, it sounded like he was cursing.

"What was it?" he wondered.

"Does it matter?" he asked grumpily, slouching in his chair further. "I friggin' hate this job. Sick and tired of this crap. Ruined my leather jacket." He glowered.

"I really liked that jacket," Chloe said with a grin.

"Me too," Dean muttered through grit teeth.

"I didn't know you were on a job or I would've come." He glanced at Chloe, who simply shrugged.

"He wanted to do this one himself," she said, lifting her mug of coffee to her mouth, a brow quirked as if she'd proven a point somehow.

"It was supposed to be easy. A quick in and out, back before we hit the road thing."

"And then...?"

Dean threw his arms out to the side to emphasize the mess all over him.

"Did you win?" Sam wondered, half-smiling.

"Course I won," he replied, sounding offended that his brother even had to ask.

Chloe sniggered.

Dean frowned. "Not the point, though." He crossed his arms, looking halfway to pouting. "I'm sick of this crap."

"Quit," Chloe said, never pausing in her typing.

He snorted. "Yeah... Right."

"You don't like it, there's no health plan, and you smell... Quit." She shrugged.

"I can't just..." He pursed his lips, shaking his head before staring out in contemplation. "I'm a good mechanic... They were looking for one at the shop a few blocks over."

Sam stared at him, wide-eyed. Was he actually considering...? But hunting was his life! He'd probably drive himself up the wall, always wondering if people had died because he wasn't there, because he knew about the things that go bump in the night but didn't do anything about it... And why was Chloe so whatever about it? She'd been on the road with them almost a year now, she knew their entire history, good and bad, she had to know Dean well enough that he was a born and bred hunter!

"Yeah. I'm doin' it." Dean slapped the table with his hand. "I quit."

"Good. Now shower," Chloe said, brows furrowed as she typed away.

Dean sniffed himself before making a face and nodding, standing up from the chair as he moved toward the bathroom.

"Uh, Chloe? Not that I don't agree that the job has its downsides, but... Dean is... well, Dean, and..."

"Just trust me, Sam," she said, giving him a mysterious smile.

Two weeks later, it all made sense.

The Motel room door slammed and Sam looked up from the newspaper he'd been looking through, red felt in hand, four obits already circled.

"I friggin' hate this crap," Dean exclaimed, walking in covered in the usual engine oil. He slumped down into a chair. "I hate people. All they do is whine about stupid shit." He glowered. "I have to pay taxes, I have to take my kid's to soccer, my husband's cheating on me so I'll sleep with his mechanic," he imitated, rolling her eyes.

"You sleep with her?" Chloe asked casually as she closed her laptop and joined them at the small table.

He frowned at her. "No."

She smothered a smile. "Why not? Too old, too young, or was it just the wedding band that bothered you?"

He lifted a brow. "I don't do married chicks and..." He shrugged. "Didn't feel like it."

"You didn't feel like having sex?" She chuckled, shaking her head as leaned back in her chair. "Okay, continue whining."

"I'm not whining, I'm... venting."

She rolled her eyes.

Glaring at her, he turned back to Sam. "The job's fine... It's the people that suck."

Sam sighed. "Well, maybe ask your boss if you can just work on the cars and not have any actual interaction with the customers."

"Tried that... They come looking for their cars." He shook his head. "And then they stand there while I'm working and tell me about their boring lives and how much they have to deal with and all I wanna do is throw a wrench at them." His eyes widened with irritation. "They think they got it bad? Hell, I'd like to see them take on a full nest of vampires and then they can bitch."

"You didn't do that, did you?" Sam's brows furrowed.

"'Course not... Probably wouldn't get paid." He ran a hand through his hair. "But I'm tired of this... People are idiots. Crazy, screwed up, idiots."

"So quit. Go back to hunting," Chloe said, lifting a shoulder.

"I just quit hunting, I can't just go back..." He crossed his arms, glowering. "And it doesn't pay as good."

"It doesn't pay at all," she reminded, amused. "But the only people you have to deal with are the ones with real problems."

He nodded, frowning thoughtfully.

"Plus you get to drive the Impala ninety percent of the day."

He grinned. "I miss her... We don't spend enough time together."

Chloe rolled her eyes.

Dean slapped the table decidedly. "I'm quitting. Picking up my sawed off again." He looked over at Sam. "Anything good in the obits?"

Sam sighed. "A few mysterious deaths..."

"Awesome." Dean stood up. "I'm taking a shower. Get your crap together. We're outta here in a half hour." He walked off and shut the door behind him.

"You knew that was coming, didn't you?" Sam asked, looking toward Chloe knowingly.

She smiled. "If he wants to hunt, he should hunt. And if he doesn't..." She shrugged. "What's important is that he knows that he can do either. That his life isn't set for him." She stood up, taking her laptop to her bag to put it away.

Sam grinned. Yet another reason why he knew Chloe was right for his brother. She understood Dean better than he understood himself, and she supported him in any life he chose. He shook his head before standing up to get his things together. He was happy they were getting back on the road. He was sick and tired of this little town and sitting idle. He was glad Dean was back to hunting form; it was how he was meant to be.

[ Next: Reason IV.]

In Proper Order: [ Next.]

fic: 5 reasons sam knows chlean, crossover: supernatural/smallville, author: sarcastic_fina, series: five times chlean, ship: chloe/dean

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