Spoiler-FIlled-Rant Ahead:
Smallville: First, I was incredibly worried that they might have the no-powers Clark go on for longer than just the episode. I'm glad they didn't, but the twist was quite interesting. In the words of Oliver Queen, a powerless Clark is kind of "... useless." Not that I don't love the big guy, but he is meant to be Superman, after all. I was watching with my dad so when he died momentarily, dad was all "He can't... He has a show to do..." lol But all I said was, "I was thinking he had to battle Doom but whatever..." lol
And OMG having Ollie shoot him with the arrows... his face when he realized what he did... heartbreaking. I'm not a Clark/Ollie shipper, but
svgurl (shout out) is and I swear I kept thinking, "
svgurl is going to love this moment, just for sheer emotion shown!" lol
And my fellow Chlollies must've loved Oliver's little "I've got an army of lawyers on her case," in terms of what he was doing to help Chloe. And the fact that even though he knew it was just him and a powerless Clark, he wasn't willing to let her rot away in Montana. Go Chlollie! Also... It's totally my inner Chlollie lover on over drive, but I just loved that when it came to Oliver's cell number, that is when Chloe realizes something is up. Not AC or Dinah who she read off immediately, but the second she got halway through Oliver's she was like "WAIT A SECOND!" lol I was squeeing on the inside :)
And yes, yes, yes for Oliver as GA. I just love, love, love that hot leather outfit. :) I could've done without Dinah, but again, that's probably my Chloe love talking. Glad to see AC but I definitely missed Bart and Victor. It's just not the same without them there.
Another part I'm sure
svgurl will agree with me on, there was some really awesome Clois moments. Now, I'll admit readily that I wasn't a big fan of SV Lois, but she's grown on me. Love the new hair and her attitude in this epi was awesome. I have to admit, take charge and brassy Lois is who I like best. Loved how in the end, she was smiling to herself over being desk neighbors with Clark. But I do have to wonder how our favorite farmboy landed his job so quick when the masterful Chloe was stuck in the basement for so long. She had mad skills that are way too often overlooked.
I do like the idea of genius Chloe though, if only because now nobody can say she isn't seriously awesome! Not to mention that has got to be a skill the League could keep in handy (hint, hint). I didn't like the Chimmy though. What a jerk talking about how he jumped the gun and asking her to just forget it. Not that I wanted them to get married, but what a fool! All I could think was, "YOU DESERVE BETTER! WALK AWAY!" Because she does and Jimmy Olsen has no idea what he has. Even if she doesn't end up with Oliver (fingers desperately crossed she will), she doesn't deserve to live a lifetime with Jimmy. I just don't think he deserves her.
Clark's devotion to Chloe was really sweet. How worried he was and how he needed to help her and find her and Awww! their hug - so adorable. My dad doesn't watch often but when he saw it he said, "That's his girlfriend, right." And I was like "She should be!" lol Don't get me wrong, Chlollie is my OTP, but honestly, Clark needs a good slap across the head. Love of his life masquerading as his best friend! Come on!
In any case, I liked this episode overall. I'll give it a 7.5 because I was pretty into it, but I won't go much higher because they didn't have Bart and Victor and I felt the Chimmy was kind of forced. But yeah, good overall and I'll definitely be watching next week. Can't wait for Bloome.
Supernatural: Dear god, I nearly had a fit when it finally came on. And please, fan me, because Dean looked so effing beautiful and utterly lost. When he croaked out for help I felt so bad for him. That is good TV, let me tell you. But wow, the whole digging himself out scene, that has got to be so surreal. He does now have something in common with Chloe though - being buried semi-alive. lol
Thumbs up for having Bobby there. I just loved the whole scene where Dean tries to convince him it's really him. And then just when you think he really believes him, Bobby has to go and throw holy water in his face. OMG I cracked right up! :)
The Sam reunion wasn't what I expected. I couldn't imagine him in that hotel and he looked so unmoved at first, when he walked out. And I don't know, I always imagined that Sammy would just fall apart without Dean, but here he is in a hotel with a girl in her panties. And can I just say... The new Ruby? Uh yeah, not nearly as cool as the old one. I want the other one back, this actress just doesn't cut it for me. She doesn't get the mannerisms of the Ruby I'm used to and the lines come out less scathing. How unfun!?
In any case, the Dean/Sam hug was sweet but I felt like something was missing, which made sense later when I realized Sam's uber-power, which I'm still on the fence about. I like that he hasn't gone all crazy with it and admits to Ruby that he doesn't know if he trusts her but he's saving people and it feels good, so... I'm okay with it so far. But no promises later.
There wasn't a lot of brotherly love going on, it felt a little off balance, which makes sense given the time and everything, but what I would've given for it to be a little more ligthhearted... you know? I understand why, I just missed the Sam/Dean banter. I'm not used to them lying to each other like they were. Makes me uneasy, lol.
Loved Bobby in this whole episode though. Dean's "Nice little art project," comment cracked me, because it's so Bobby to do what he did to that barn, lol. WoW!
So I so knew it'd be an angel that pulled him up. I don't know how good this angel is, because those wings were pretty dark and the whole exploding eye thing... Uh... A little cruel or what?!? He made a valid explanation, I suppose. But no remorse whatsoever. And did I hear right? Did he say that God ressurected Dean for the angels to like work for him? It ended abruptly and I wasn't sure, so somebody please tell me if that's what I heard. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I'm really looking forward to seeing where it's headed.
Oh and I can't believe I didn't mention this, HELLO Dean lifting his shirt and flashing all of us drooling fangirls. Dear lord, he gets sexier by the second. What a beautiful sight indeed. I was too busy staring at his stomach though, so did they accidentally forget to put on his chest tattoo, because I thought of it after and I wondered if maybe it was just overlooked... Hm...
Overall, I give this episode an 8, 8.5 at best. Mostly because of how unbalanced Dean and Sam were together. Great to see them all together and the plot was pretty damn interesting. Dean and his pie, big love there. And Dean talking down to the demon, way hot. I think I was expecting more emotion from Sammy though and I'm annoyed with this new Ruby. Loved the burned out eyes - morbid, but way cool.
So yeah, that's been my experience tonight. Thought I'd share my thoughts on these two awesome shows. I'm so glad they're back on regularly and I can't wait for next Thursday. :) Now that I'm done ranting, I think I'll go work on Amorous some more.
Luv yas,
-Fina (Lee)