She Who Meant So Much - Chloe/Dean - NC17 - Part One

Sep 04, 2008 21:20

Title: She Who Meant So Much
Category: Smallville/Supernatural/Batman (Crossover)
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Drama/Romance
Pairing: firmly Chloe/Dean, mentions of Chloe/Bruce, Chloe/Oliver, Chloe/Clark, and Chloe/Jack (OC)
Word Count: 4,340
Sequel to: 5 Times Chloe Fell For A Hero And The One Time Her Heart Wasn't Broken
Summary: A new twist in their life has Dean meeting Chloe's former loves and while trying to stay firm that everything is going to be okay, he might just have reason to worry.

I - Hospitalized

Dean sat back in the uncomfortable hospital issue chair, his arms crossed over his chest, his jaw set firmly and his eyes set ahead, brow furrowed as he stared at the door they'd taken her through. She'd collapsed; no explanation really. He and Logan were working on a car and then Ally came running outside, tears streaming down her face, shouting at him that her mom just fell over and wasn't moving. Dropping the wrench in his hand, he was inside before his daughter could finish her sentence and found his wife lying on her side, eyes closed and skin paling. Turning her over, he checked her pulse, faint but there. He got the kids in the car and drove into town, bringing her to the local hospital, where they rushed her off without any explanations. And now here he was, waiting for somebody to tell him what the hell was going on.

"Daddy, I'm thirsty," Ally told him from his side.

He nodded slightly. "Logan, get your sister something to drink."

"I don't have any money," he replied quietly.

"I just gave you your allowance," he said, sighing as he turned to his son.

He shrugged. "They were having a sale on M&M's... I couldn't pass it up."

Shaking his head, Dean dug around in his pockets for a few dollars before handing them over. "No candy, just get her something to drink," he called after them.

Logan waved back to show he heard; kid had an attitude the size of his and Chloe's combined. He held his sister's hand and brought her over to the vending machine, answering her endless questions about anything and everything. Dean watched them go before burying his face in his hands. Everything had been fine this morning; no sign that she wasn't feeling well or that something was wrong. It was summer break, so Logan was out of school and Ally didn't have daycare. By the time he and Logan woke up, Chloe and Ally had been awake and busy for a few hours. It was Sunday, which meant the two of them were having a girl's day. Painting nails and baking and whatever else they felt like doing. They usually went into town to see a movie or go shopping, but that would've been a little later, if Chloe hadn't suddenly passed out.

He couldn't even describe the feelings that went through him when he got inside to see her lying there. She was so still and before he could even begin to freak out, instinct had taken over. He had to get her help, make sure the kids were buckled in, give Sammy a call and get their family doctor on the line. They'd made friends with Dr. Holstine when Logan was born and when they were absolutely sure that he was trustworthy, shared their medical history with him to its fullest extent. He was the only guy Dean would trust with his wife's health, given he knew everything she'd been through and had a better chance of figuring out what was wrong. He'd arrived an hour ago and hadn't come out of the room where Chloe was since.

After the life he led, he never really imagined this was what it would day come to. He figured she'd go out in a blaze of glory, sorta like him. She didn't just sit back and let the action happen. A lot of the time, if there was a big hunt, she followed. She got a babysitter they could trust, which usually meant Ellen came into town to watch over her "grandbabies," as she called them, while they hit the road. So he'd expected that one day, a very long time from now, she'd probably die right alongside him in some gruesome battle, which was why this was all wrong. People didn't just collapse and die... Chloe didn't just collapse and die. He couldn't accept that.

There was some noise down the hall and he sighed to himself. He was tired of being in this hospital; he just wanted to take his wife and kids home and forget this ever happened.

"The nurse pointed at this hallway," he heard down the way.

"I'm aware, Boyscout. What she didn't say was what we were supposed to do when he got to this hallway."

"Sit? Wait?"

"I still don't see why someone couldn't pose as her brother for more information," a deeper voice added.

"Well if everyone hadn't been talking over each other, something might've gotten done!"

A sigh. "Will you stop complaining? We're here, she's there. So we'll wait. There's nothing else we can do."

There was a long pause as they took their seats.

"How'd you hear?"

Dean glanced over at them. The last thing he needed was three idiots distracting him right now. Two brunets and a blond; all tall and wide-shouldered, looking ready and alert. He'd call them hunters, but the rough-around-the-edges wasn't happening for any of them. In fact, they all looked a little too clean cut to be from his line of business.

He turned his attention to the clock. Sammy would probably be there soon. Along with Sarah and their son Jack, he assumed.

The blond one sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Her medical alert went off at HQ." He smiled slightly. "After all these years, she still hadn't turned it off."

The others nodded.

Medical alert? HQ?

"I knew from her heartbeat, or well, lack thereof," said the brunet in the plaid. "I'm still tuned in and I check, you know, just to be sure... But when I listened, I couldn't really find it..." He frowned worriedly. "And then I realized it was faint, really faint; barely there at all. So I followed it over." He shrugged.

They turned to the older man, scowling out darkly. "I had her medical files flagged so that if she was ever brought in, I'd know."

There was a short pause before they chuckled.

"Listen to us," the blond said, shaking his head. "She's going to take one look at us, raise a brow and call us stalkers."

They smiled sadly before sighing.

"No! Dad said no candy... Stop trying to bribe me with M&M's, Al. I got your juice, didn't I?"

She pursed her lips, lifting a brow at him. "But I wanted the pink one!"

"You don't like grapefruit!" Logan replied, rolling his eyes.

"But it's piiink!" Ally whined, dragging her feet as they got closer to him.

Falling into his chair dramatically, Logan frowned.

Ally walked over, leaning on Dean's leg, her head falling to one side. "Daddy..."

"You don't like the pink juice, Ally. It's too sour, remember?" He held his hand out to Logan for his change, who sighed before digging it out of his pocket.

"But it's pink, daddy," she said as if it explained everything.

If Chloe was here, she could work the girl-logic angle, but all Dean could do was pick her up and put her in his lap. "Drink your juice, sweetheart."

With a sigh, she leaned back against him, her legs kicking back and forth with boredom as she unscrewed the top and took a long sip.

Everything was quiet for awhile, nothing but the odd nurse walking past and the ticking of the clock on the wall. It was nerve-wracking.


"Yeah?" he grunted.

"Do you think mom's gonna be okay?"

He turned, seeing that his son was actually looking more than a little worried. Logan was more like him; he didn't often do chick-flick moments, so it must've really been getting to him if he had to ask. He noticed Ally was staring up at him too, waiting for his answer.

"You know your mom," he said, half-smiling. "She's a fighter, right?"

Logan lifted a brow. "She wasn't fighting anything though, it just... happened."

"Some things just happen, Logan. I dunno what to tell you." He shook his head. "But hey... She's too busy to go out like this. She's gotta piece due Wednesday that she's only half done, remember?"

Logan nodded, leaning back in his chair before he sighed.

"I think she's just really sleepy," Ally said, nodding. "She's been super duper busy and she don't sleep much. I hearded her! She kept calling out daddy's name like she was trying to wake him up. And she was reeeeeally loud and she kept calling out to God and there was a lot of banging around and-"

Dean covered his daughter's mouth with his hand, clearing his throat uncomfortably. "Yeah... She's uh... She's been really tired lately, Ally. Praying and all... You're right..."

Logan's nose wrinkled. "That's so gross..."

"Shuddup squirt."

"I don't get it," Ally muttered, brow furrowed.

"It's nothing," he sighed, leaning his head back.

Suddenly, the door ahead of them opened and out stepped Dr. Holstine. Dean stood up abruptly, hauling Ally onto his side. "How is she? Is she okay?"

He nodded reassuringly. "It's a severe case of exhaustion."

His brows furrowed. "And that took hours?"

"They weren't exactly updated on your wife's background, so they couldn't explain a lot of the symptoms. But... With Chloe's regenerative abilities and all the time's she, well, given her life for another... It's caught up with her," he explained. "This was her body's way of sort of... rebooting."

"So... She's fine, though?" he asked again, brow lifted.

"In perfect condition. She's tired, but awake and you should be able to take her home shortly. Just make sure she gets lot of rest and fluids."

He nodded, running a hand down his face. "Thank you, uh... Just, thank you," he said, shaking his hand.

"No problems, Dean. I'm just glad she's okay." He smiled briefly before looking down at Ally. "And how is Allysa doing today?" he asked.

"Well... I wanted the pink juice but Logan," she turned to glare at her brother, "made be get the orange juice. And I tried to tell daddy mommy was just real sleepy, but he didn't believe me. And I think a sucker would make it all better!"

"Is that right?"

She nodded.

"Well, I think I might just have one on me," he assured, digging in his pocket and pulling a red sucker out. He glanced at Dean to see if it was okay, who gave a slight shrug before Ally grabbed it and grinned.

"Say thank you," Dean told her.

"Thanks Dr. H!"

"Welcome, Allysa," he replied before looking over at Logan. "And are you too old for suckers now?"

He crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't need a sucker. I'm not a baby who needs cheering up."

Dean ruffled his hair before turning his attention back to Holstine. "Can we go in?"

"Sure. Just let the nurses get out of the way and go right in."

He nodded. "Thanks, uh, again."

Dr. Holstine smiled before turning and walking away.

"Excuse me," one of the men down the hall called out as he passed them. "We're looking for Chloe Sullivan... One of the nurses at the front desk told us to wait here."

"You'll have to take that up with that man right there. I can't give out any personal medical history to non-family related people."

"Understandable. Thank you."

Dean's jaw clenched. As he saw the nurses scurry past, he nudged Logan's head to get him to look up at him. "Take you sister, go in and see your mom."

"But dad-" he disagreed, looking behind him to the three men suspiciously.

"Don't argue. Go," he ordered.

With a sigh, Logan waited for Ally to be put on the ground before he took her hand and led her to the door, opening it slowly, still watching to see what might happen.

"Now Logan," he called back without looking.

With a scoff, he went inside.

Crossing his arms, Dean turned around to stare at the three men approaching slowly. "Who are you and what do you want?" he asked, voice deep and warning that he wasn't in the mood for crap.

"Wasn't aware Chloe had a brother," the blond one said slowly, lifting a questioning brow.

"She doesn't," Dean and the plaid-covered guy answered.

The darker man cleared his throat. "Bruce Wayne, I'm an old... friend of Chloe's."

Dean lifted a brow at him. "Friend, huh? Not the way she tells it."

"Oliver Queen," the blond one greeted.

"Clark Kent," the last one put in.

"Dean Winchester," he replied. "I'm her husband."

Their eyes widened, mouths opening slightly, two of them at least, the darker man showed no visual reaction.

"And I know who you are," he added. "What I don't know, is what you're doing here. Because the lives she lived with you three are long over."

"We didn't come here to be any trouble we just..." Clark trailed off.

Dean stared at him, eyes hard. With all that happened, he really didn't need his wife's ex-flames showing up to make it worse. "Yeah... Look, she's fine. Exhausted, that's all."


They stared at him, accusingly.

"Hey, she never saved my life with her meteor hat trick." He lifted his hands defensively. "That kinda stuff eventually wears thin."

They each looked guilty, eyes falling.

"That all?" His brows lifted with emphasis. "You know she's fine so you guys can head back to whatever hero business you got going now," he said, lifting a brow.

They nodded and he stared a moment longer before turning and walking toward the door leading to her room.

"Is she happy?" called out a deep voice.

He turned around, staring at Bruce firmly. He weighed the question over instead of answering hastily. He knew Chloe, better than he'd ever known anyone or anything. And she knew him just the same. It'd been a rocky start, but when they got their shit together, they worked well together. When she'd shown up, a broke-down car and the weight of the world on her shoulders, she looked like she'd been running from something and hiding in the shadows too long. He watched her flourish over the next few years, getting more comfortable and coming out of her shell to become the woman he knew now. The woman who never regretted staying with him, not once. The woman who pledged I Do what seemed like a lifetime ago and raised two incredible kids with him. The woman who willingly learned how to hunt just so she could be there to get in on the action and watch his back. Was she happy? Hell yeah she was happy. She told him, more times than he could count, that she loved her life, loved everything it entailed.

"Every day," he finally said.

Bruce stared at him, as if trying to gage how honest he was and then nodded. "That's all I needed to know," he said before he turned and left.

Following behind him, the other two went, and Dean breathed a sigh of relief.

He opened the hospital door and slid inside to find Ally sprawled out on the bed next to her mom, telling her all about how she wanted pink juice but her brother made her get the orange kind and how she had a sucker but Logan didn't because he was a booger. Tiredly, Chloe smiled down at her daughter, running her fingers through Ally's hair affectionately. Her other hand was being held by Logan, who silently sat next to her, head hung and feet dangling above the floor from the chair he was occupying, his shoulders hunched.

"Hey," she greeted, her eyes lifting to stare at him.

His jaw twitched; she looked so tiny and pale and fragile in that bed.

She moved her head as if to call him closer. With heavy steps, he moved to stand next to her, his hands stuffed in his pockets. She slid her hand away from Ally's hair and lifted it up, cupping his cheek, her thumb stroking back and forth lovingly. "Apparently I'm supposed to stop praying so much at night, it makes me exhausted," she murmured, hinting that Ally had admitted to hearing things she really shouldn't've.

His mouth quirked at the corners. "If anything, I think you should pray more," he assured, lifting a brow.

She chuckled, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

He leaned forward, pressed a kiss against her forehead and then her temple and down to her cheek before he finally caught her mouth rather desperately. Her arm wrapped around his head and she sighed, moaning into his mouth as their tongue tangled. He wouldn't say it, but she had to know just how much she scared him that morning. He felt her fingers playing with his hair and tickling the back of his neck like she often did and he squeezed his eyes shut when they burned. He finally pulled away, pecking her lips a few more times before he stood up straight and cleared his throat. "Glad you're okay," he muttered, nodding.

She smiled, licking her lips. "After that, so am I," she replied cheekily.

He chuckled, his shoulders loosening.

"Momma, we never got to finish the cookies," Ally told her, lifting her head from against her stomach.

"How about tomorrow?" she suggested, lifting a brow.

"But tomorrow's not today," she whined, sighing. "Today is our day and I had to spend it all with Logan." She stuck out her bottom lip.

"You're always telling me you want Logan to hang out with you more, squirt," Dean reminded.

"Nu-uh, he's a booger!"

"You're a booger," Logan called out, but still wouldn't lift his head.

"Yeah, yeah, you're both boogers," Dean declared, effectively ending the argument. "Al, mom'll make cookies with you later. She needs to rest for now."

"But they were gonna have pink Smarties in them," she reminded sadly.

"Then me, you and Logan'll make him for mom as a glad you're okay gift, ‘kay?"

She brightened, grinning up at him, her too front teeth missing. "Yeah!"

He half-smiled, shaking his head.

"So? When do I get out of here?" Chloe wondered, looking up at him expectantly.

"Today," he grunted, although he kind of wanted her to stay in just in case... Then again, he'd rather have her at home, right next to him, so he could keep an eye on her himself.

"Good," she sighed thankfully. "This blanket is scratchy and the beeping is seriously annoying."

"How come you're so okay with this?" Logan finally exclaimed, lifting his head. "You looked really... bad." He clenched his jaw, turning his eyes away.

Reaching up, Chloe ran her hand down his face, half-smiling when he pulled away like he didn't care but leaned back in a second later. "I'm fine, okay? And I'm really sorry I worried you, but I had no choice." She lifted a shoulder. "It happens, sometimes." She lifted a brow. "You remember when you were climbing the scrap pile and you fell? How I freaked out and I was crying and yelling and all over the place?"

He shifted around in his seat. "Yeah," he muttered.

"Well you didn't mean to fall, did you? It just happened." She sighed sadly. "I'd never intentionally worry any of you like that and I hope it never happens again. But you have to know that if it does and if... If something does happen to me..."

"Chloe," Dean said, shaking his head. He didn't want her talking like that.

"It's okay," she assured, looking at him comfortingly. "The point is... If there's a next time and things don't... turn out the same..."

"You mean if you die," Logan spit out, glaring as his mouth scowled.

"Yes," she said, nodding.

"Like Pickle?" Ally asked, eyes wide.

Dean rolled his eyes with slight amusement. Pickle was her imaginary friend who had a not-so-happy meeting with the ghost that lived in the scrap yard, as Ally put it.

Chloe glanced at her. "Yeah, sweetie, like Pickle." She stroked her cheek lightly. "So if I do die, I want all of you to know how much I love you."

"Mooom," Logan groaned, shaking his head as he slumped down further.

"Can it, Logan. Listen to your mom," Dean told him firmly.

"Whatever," he muttered under his breath.

Chloe just smiled. Way she put it, he was just like his dad.

"I don't want this to get all emotional or angsty, I just wanted you guys to know that I love you and that this was just a bit of a wake up call... We don't live forever, even if I plan to for as long as I can..." She looked up at Dean, smiling lightly. "You guys all made my life so much better and I'd never want to leave you."

"Good. ‘Cause you aren't," he said firmly, reaching out to stroke her bangs from her forehead. "You're fine." He nodded. "You'll be home tonight and everything'll get back to normal."

"Less praying!" Ally told them, shaking her head.

"They're not praying, they're-"


He sighed, rolling his eyes.

Dean shook his head. "Why don't you take Ally and stop at the vending machines again? Get a snack and sit outside for a few minutes," he offered, digging out a few dollars and handing them to Ally, who was already trying to climb down to the floor. With his help, she landed on her feet and skipped around the bed to start tugging on Logan's sleeve.

"Come on, I want the pink candy!" she told him, walking to the door and tapping her foot impatiently.

With a frustrated sigh, Logan stood up and followed her over to the door before walking out.

Chloe looked over at him with concern. "You okay?"

"Shouldn't I ask you that?"

She sighed. "I'm fine, really." She shrugged. "Dr. Holstine explained it had something to do with my meteor powers..."

He frowned.

"Had to catch up with me some time," she told him softly.

He nodded, but he didn't agree. It shouldn't catch up with her.

She reached out, tugged on his hand and he knew what she was asking for as she moved across the bed. He slid in next to her, putting an arm around her carefully, looking out for wires and crap before he rested his head next to hers on the pillow. She played with his fingers across her stomach and stared downward in thought for a long moment. "It kinda scared me... Waking up here." She glanced at him for a split second before staring down again. "Not having your arms around me."

He kissed her shoulder. "Last time that'll happen. You're stuck with me now."

She chuckled, but it came out sad. "I don't wanna die, Dean." She looked up at him, her eyes swimming in tears. "I don't want to not wake up one day... Not have you or Ally or Logan..." She shook her head. "It terrifies me."

She was possibly the most fearless woman he ever knew, which is why his arms tightened around her. "You're gonna be fine." Her hand squeezed his and he sighed, burying his face against her neck. "You had a few visitors."

"Who?" she asked, confused.

"Ah, you know, just your usual superheroes. Batman, Superman, Green Arrow... No one special," he muttered sarcastically.

She tensed for only a second. "They were here?"

"Yeah... Apparently they were tracking hospital records and League crap and listening to your heartbeat... It was a little weird."

She snorted. "Yeah, well... I guess it comes with my history."

He nodded slightly. "They looked worried."

"Mm." She stroked his fingers once more, tracing the veins and lines.

"Wanted to know if you were happy..."

"What'd you say?" she murmured sleepily.

"The truth."

She smiled. "So you told them I was the happiest woman alive, huh?"

He laughed shortly. "Course... But I'm sure just looking at me answered their question anyway."

"Narcissist," she murmured affectionately.

"Yeah, yeah." He looked at her, her eyes drooping. He could feel her body relaxing against him and her fingers slowing in their movements. "You're tired.

"Mm, no..." she disagreed, her brow furrowing.


She smiled. "Only the best."

He kissed her temple. "Go to sleep... You probably won't be outta here for a little while anyway. Hospital protocol crap."

She nodded slightly. "You'll be here when I wake up?" she wondered hopeful and worried.

He stared at her, her tired, pale face and he swallowed tightly. "Yeah," he breathed. "Yeah I'll be right here."

"Good." She yawned, cuddling closer and tucking her head beneath his chin. "I love you."

He closed his eyes and rubbed her back. "Love you too, Chlo."

With a soft sigh, she drifted away, wrapped in his embrace.

A half hour later, when Sam came in to see them, he found him still there, holding her as she slept comfortably. And an hour after, when they told him she was free to go, he gathered her up, stealing their blanket and sat in the back of the Impala, holding her as Sam drove them back home. He laid with her the rest of the night until late morning the next day when she finally woke up and smiled up at him like she did every other morning before burying her face against his chest and kissing his skin softly. "Morning," she murmured.

He sighed with relief but hid it well with a grunt of good morning back. She rolled away and reached for her robe. "I think I'll make pancakes," she said, leaving what happened behind them.

He nodded. "With blueberries?"

She laughed, nodding before she slipped into the bathroom.

He fell back to the bed and rubbed his tired face. Whatever happened, he wasn't going to waste any time. He had a feeling things weren't just going to go back to normal, no matter how much they all wanted it to.

"Dean? Am I showering alone or what?" she called from the bathroom.

He laughed, shaking his head before throwing the blanket off. "I'm coming," he assured, following after her.

[ Next: Part II.]

crossover: spn/sv/batman:tdk, author: sarcastic_fina, novel - sv/batman:tdk/spn - chlean, fic: she who meant so much, rating: nc17

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