Owning Harry Potter, 1/?

May 10, 2014 16:32

Title: Owning Harry Potter
Pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/OMC (mention only)
Rating/Warnings: FRAO (18); graphic BDSM, implied child neglect, BDSM training, Extremely Dubious Consent
Genre: AU (Voldemort died when Harry was one), Post-Hogwarts Era, Snape-raises-Harry, Angst, BDSM, Bottom!Harry
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J K Rowling. Not me.
Summary: Harry, at 22, thought that he didn't need his adoptive parent Severus Snape any longer. He thought teaching at Durmstang would free him. However when a scandal sends him back to England, his guardian is there to remind him how much of a failure he was and inform him that because he unwittingly declared himself a Submissive in front of the entire Wizarding World, that he is now legally obliged to have a legal guardian until he is collared.
AN//: This is cross posted from my AO3 account

Chapter 1Harry Potter sat in The Three Broomsticks with the appearance of a man who had all the time in the world to sit. He’d been nursing the same pint of Butterbeer for the last two and a half hours and Madam Rosmerta’s pity had long since been replaced by a scathing glare in his direction. Harry knew better than to feel sorry for himself, he hadn't been stood up this was just another mind game that his guardian was playing on him. If Harry left before Snape arrived, he would no doubt receive a Howler detailing his transgression in the most verbally humiliating and degrading way possible. Of course, he was equally as damned if he stayed as Snape could simply choose not to turn up at all and have someone spy on Harry to advise Snape of exactly how long he spent waiting for his guardian like a pathetic hopeful fool. If he had to choose which method of execution his pride would suffer from, then he chose to stay. At least then he could claim the higher moral ground no matter how badly it backfired on him. Besides which, he would have to see Snape eventually now that he was back in the country after an absence of five years. Why not just wait it out rather than putting himself at Snape's mercy twice?

Harry's patience finally paid off less than twenty minutes later. His aloof guardian strode into the pub, his black robes billowing behind him like a villain swishing his cloaks. For most students who had attended Hogwarts that description was how they saw their potions professor. All students except Slytherins and Harry Potter. Despite Snape's numerous bad qualities, Harry had never been able to bring himself to hate the man who had raised him after his parents' deaths even if Snape had never been able to repay the favour by bestowing affection upon Harry.

“You're late,” Snape greeted him.

Harry stood up as his guardian approached the table, sitting down only after Snape had taken up occupation in the seat opposite him. “I arrived before you did, how can I be late?”

“Five years late. You were supposed to be going to Europe for the summer. What have you been occupying your time with?”

Harry guessed that meant he hadn't heard. Unless it was another trick. He narrowed his eyes at the older man and took a gulp of his Butterbeer. “Would you like the truth or have you already made your mind up about what I spent the last few years doing?”

Snape sneered. “What fool did you bride to sign off on a teaching qualification? Anyone who took even the briefest of looks at your grades and attendance record would never have granted you permission to mould the minds of the next generation!”

Harry sighed internally. So, he had heard. He didn't know whether to be upset that the mere idea of Harry being accredited to teach infuriated and disgusted Snape or relieved that this was what he was choosing to focus upon. After all, if he knew that Harry had spent time teaching at Durmstang then he was almost certainly in the know about why he had returned to the UK. “Perhaps I am not quite the failure academically that you thought I was?”

Harry winced as soon as the words were out of his mouth. Yes, he had been baited, but that was nothing new. He should have known better than to react that way, now Snape had the perfect opening and from the glittering in his fathomless black eyes Harry knew that Snape wouldn't hesitate to take it. It was all kind of unfair really. Harry had never been a star pupil academically speaking, but he had never failed an exam or required extra lessons to keep up with his peers. He had maintained a reasonable grade level in all his classes, even managing an 'Outstandings' in Defence Against Dark Arts and 'Exceeds Expectations' in both Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. His grades were fine for applying for the position of teacher and any attendance issues had been due to illness or the occasional prank played by his best friend's brothers Fred and George.

“Academically, professionally and socially it appears. Not many people succeed in shaming themselves so thoroughly as to be barred from teaching and deported.”

“You must be enjoying this,” Harry said so quietly that he thought Snape might not have heard. No such luck, of course. It seemed luck and Harry Potter were no longer on speaking terms.

“I am, to an extent.” Snape admitted without remorse. “What ever possessed you to get involved with a thug like Andrzej Carlstrom? Or was that the attraction?”

“According to the newspapers.”

“Well, I want it from the horse's mouth! Leave home, travel to another country, take up teaching... live life, by all means, especially if it doesn't interfere with my own. Having an illicit affair with a married Swedish Auror who frequents Bondage Dungeons, however, must be one of the most impetuous, idiotic choices you have ever made and it most certainly reflects badly on myself.”

Harry's heart hurt inside of his chest, but he was determined to hide the effect his guardian's words were having on him. “Glad to see I haven't fallen even further in your regard,” he said and stood up to leave. He had no interest on continuing this abuse and wondered why he had even come in the first place. He knew better than to rely on Snape for anything more than insults and disdain.

“Sit down, Potter!” Snape hissed with venom in his voice.

“NO!” Harry turned and shouted at the other man. “I don't know why I even came here! Or why I ever bothered to keep in touch after leaving Hogwarts. Your obligation to me ended the moment I turned seventeen, Professor Snape, and as far as I can see it wasn't a moment too soon in your eyes! You have spent my entire life reminding me how useless I am and that I am nothing more than a burden to you. Well, let me unburden you, Snape. After today you never have to see me or hear from me again!”

Harry turned to escape so fast that he almost collided with a barman on his way to take Snape's order. It would have been cataclysmic, only Snape had reached out to grab onto his arm and pull him back to their table in an attempt to prevent him from leaving. Clearly, the unpleasant man was not done barraging him.

“SIT DOWN, Potter, and do NOT make me repeat myself again. You are clearly feeling very dramatic tonight. Harold, a glass of my favourite wine if you please, and a tea for Mr Potter hear. He needs something to calm him down.”

“Right away, Professor!” Harold was only a few years younger than Harry and had recently been taught by Snape. The fear that the man imposed upon his students, regardless of House or age, was permanently instilled into Harold. It was a survival technique that some students adopted in order to avoid mental breakdowns.

“Now, since you are so obviously unaware of the consequences of your dalliances, I will educate you,” Snape said to Harry in a cutting tone. “You were not relieved of your post at Durmstang for engaging in homosexual acts, nor was it anything to do with the scandal of dating a married man. It was the nature of those acts. By being seen in a compromising position at a Sex Dungeon the Wizarding world has judged you to be sexually submissive.”

“I don't understand. If it isn't the sex it's self, or who it's with, then why would it be what... what... position... why would it be that?” Despite the fact that Harry was now almost twenty three years old the idea of discussing his sex life with the man who had basically raised him for better or for worse, was abhorrent and more than a little nauseating. From the twist of distaste on Snape's mouth Harry could see his guardian felt the same way.

“Why you insist on being so ignorant when it comes to the society you live in, I will never know. Simply paying attention to the world around you would have saved us both a modicum of embarrassment and awkwardness. I do not, of course, blame myself, as I distinctly remember sending you to a decent school! What did you do during your Society & Sexual Education classes in fifth year? Please, do not answer. I am certain the the truth would only pain me more than anything I could come up with myself. Instead, simply try your best to listen with your ears as I explain the basics that even fifteen year old children are capable of understanding.

“Homophobia is almost non-existent in the Wizarding community, something to which Dumbledor himself can attest to. Magical people, being more open minded than their Muggle counterparts, freely accept a range of sexual identities and so called kinks. BDSM is practised openly although like all sexual practises it is kept behind closed doors, be they bedroom doors or the doors of a Dungeon. Dominant and Submissive roles are accepted and often incorporated into marriage contracts which family and friends are invited to witness. It is not considered abnormal or indecent. Those who identify with D/s tendencies, however, are thought of in a somewhat old fashioned manner. Dominant partners are stereotypically associated with strength and power, while the Submissives are seen as needing to be cared for. This was incorporated into Wizarding law over a hundred years ago and has never been removed. The politics of the matter are, frankly, nothing I have concerned myself with. Until this moment.”

“What do you mean? What does the law have to do with what I... what some people do in bed?”

“Or, rather, out of it?” Snape suggested with another sneer and Harry flushed with anger and shame. “The law decided to make it compulsory for a self-identifying Witch or Wizard to have a guardian for the entirety of their life. They would be homed by their parents until they took on a collar by a Dominant. It was done originally so that the Submissive would not end up in a relationship with someone who would abuse them or encourage them to misuse their powers.”

“That's ridiculous! Being Submissive does not make you a mindless idiot!”

“You are not the best example, but I happen to agree. However, 18th century Wizarding laws have not been updated, so for now you are stuck with me once again as your legal guardian. Well done, Potter.”

character: harry potter, fic: harry potter, fandom: harry potter, theme; bdsm, character: severus snape, character: draco malfoy, pairing: harry/draco

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