Title: Eros Pairings: Simon Tam/Mal Reynalds, Wash/Zoe, various OCs Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: I wish so much and yet it'll never happen. Summary: See chapter one for more information.
Ok, I meant to leave a comment when you posted... but I forgot. Sorry!
But, here I am.
So far, I really like Eros (the planet) the people (Simon's friends) seem very nice and welcoming. Bet that has thrown the whole crew for a loop!
When being shown their rooms... Mal seemed... almost xenophobic. What he wanted for his crew was more important than respecting the culture they were surrounded in. Good on Zoe for putting him in his place!
I find it odd that no one besides Simon responded to Mal's nightmare. I hope you'll reference it in the next bit.
Mal and Simon's interactions near the end is... worrisome. As much as I ship Mal/Simon, it scared me a bit. Makes me want to ship Simon/anyone else just so that Mal can go be a dick to someone else.
Hopefully Celeste will step in and tell Mal what for. Doubly hopefully he'll listen. If not, she should kidnap Simon and keep him safe!
Thank you for the wonderful update, happy writing!
Hmm... I didn't mean for mal to seem xenophobic at all. In my mind he's just very wary of other planets, especially ones that are on good terms with the Alliance like Eros
( ... )
I'm really liking this so far! I am pretty curious about Simon's past here (especially with the hints of this probably/possibly abusive "Hana") so I can't wait for that. But MAL. MAL. STOP BEING STUPID AND MEAN. I hope he can work through whatever issues he's having about the place.
Thanks so much! Mal is such a meanie, I know, it doesn't help that he is mouning Inara and Book who left and realising that Simon may leave too and he has no right to stop him. Let's hope Simon realises this too! There is another chapter up now. Thanks for commenting!
Comments 6
But, here I am.
So far, I really like Eros (the planet) the people (Simon's friends) seem very nice and welcoming. Bet that has thrown the whole crew for a loop!
When being shown their rooms... Mal seemed... almost xenophobic. What he wanted for his crew was more important than respecting the culture they were surrounded in. Good on Zoe for putting him in his place!
I find it odd that no one besides Simon responded to Mal's nightmare. I hope you'll reference it in the next bit.
Mal and Simon's interactions near the end is... worrisome. As much as I ship Mal/Simon, it scared me a bit. Makes me want to ship Simon/anyone else just so that Mal can go be a dick to someone else.
Hopefully Celeste will step in and tell Mal what for. Doubly hopefully he'll listen. If not, she should kidnap Simon and keep him safe!
Thank you for the wonderful update, happy writing!
Tabee :)
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