10 Yrs: 6/?

Feb 08, 2010 09:52

Stargate Atlantis
10 Years - Ch6
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Chapter Six: Goodbye, Hello

When Rodney returns to the base he is told that he has been cleared to return to Atlantis tomorrow morning. Elizabeth, they add, will not be going with him. Rodney argues and yells and calls them all the names under the sun that his enormous brain can come up with, but they don’t budge. Due to the wraith threat (even though John, Elizabeth, and Rodney had all assured them that the Wraith were neutralized), they explain, they feel that a more military leader is needed. Someone with a background in fighting aliens, not a diplomat.

“What about John then?” Rodney asks. It’s a reasonable question, Sheppard has all the necessary qualifications. He’s military through and through despite his innate laziness and predilections for male scientists by the name of McKay. And no one has more experience fighting the Wraith than he does! No one.

But Rodney notes the near-unreadable exchange of glances and he knows he’s already lost this battle. Pain sears though him and he almost doesn’t neat the IOA representative as she explains that the Major’s case is being looked at, but honestly he doesn’t need to hear it, he already knows what they are going to say.

When he is dismissed he finds himself walking and ends up outside John’s room; his cell. The guards give him knowing looks that make Rodney think maybe the room isn’t as soundproof as John had promised, but right at that moment he couldn’t care less. He enters unannounced and John springs off the bed at the site of him.

“They’re sending me back tomorrow. Without you.” Is the best Rodney can do because his voice is hoarse with emotion that he’s too afraid to feel.

John’s expression goes from pain to panic to fury before tightening up and becoming unreadable. “It’ll be okay.” He promises but Rodney knew if they were still kids then John would be saying that with fingers crossed behind his back because there is no way that either of them believe that lie.

“I love you,” Rodney replies, the only truth he has to offer them both. John just swallows, nodding and trying to smile as they embrace. Their last night together is spent with shaky breaths and careful caresses. They never remove their clothes or even kiss, and in the morning Rodney feels like he’s being sent to the gallows as he leaves John’s room.

“Ready, McKay?” O’Neill asks him as he heads to the gate-room. He spares Jack a terse nod but otherwise avoids looking at anyone and speaking at all, which was so very unusual for him. If John - or even Elizabeth, Teyla, Ronan - were there they would be exchanging worried looks trying to find out what was wrong with him. God he missed them all. And the worst part was knowing that that feeling wouldn’t be going away anytime soon.

“Sam?” He asked in surprise as he saw her in the gate room all packed up and ready to go with him, as well as Daniel Jackson and a about twenty anonymous marines. Supplies were already being sent through the gate.

“Rodney, they didn’t tell you? I’ll be Atlantis’s new commander.” She revealed.

Rodney just stares at her, feeling like someone had pulled the rug out from under his feet. If they were assigning Samantha Carter then there was a chance they were serious about not letting John go. Ever.

And there was nothing he could do about it

So he nodded in her direction, and then turned away from her and Daniel as the two old friends chatted about how excited and nervous they were. Finally it was their turn to go through and Rodney couldn’t help but feel like it was a betrayal of John and Elizabeth to be retuning with Sam and Daniel. He looked around at the people who he had lived with for the past ten years and hated that he could see his own disappointment and pain reflected in some of their eyes. Then Kelac approached him, and Rodney felt a whole new level of pain.

“Where is she?” He asked, his voice rough and tense.

“I’m so sorry.” Rodney said, his eyes wide and watery.

“No. No, Rodney I didn’t ask you if you were sorry. I asked you where Eliz is!” Kelac corrected him.

“With John,” Rodney spat out, “back on Earth. They wouldn’t let them return.” He explained, oblivious to Sam and Daniel’s watchful gazes.

Kelac’s eyes went dull with pain. “Then I am sorry too, McKay. It seems we have both lost more than we ever hoped to have.” He said and bowed formerly before backing away, the site of a defeated man.

“Was that-” Sam began, her tone shocked and surprised.

“Yes.” Rodney bit out.

“I had no idea that-”

“Well it’s too late now anyway, isn’t it.” Rodney snapped unfairly, choosing that moment to storm away to his quarters.

Sam shared a concerned look with Daniel before introducing herself and reciting the prepared speech that she hoped would ease the transition from Elizabeth’s reign to Sam’s leadership. It was going to be tough no matter what she said, but that didn’t mean she shouldn’t try to reassure them.

After her carefully chosen words had been spoken and assimilated by the suspicious and cautious expedition team, Sam introduced herself to Teyla Emmagen, a serene looking woman with coppery skin and hair only a shade or two darker.

“Teyla Emmagen, I presume.” Sam said, projecting friendliness even though she felt like she was being examined. Teyla gave her a cool look although Sam felt no threat or hatred coming from the other woman.

“Colonel Carter. Welcome to Atlantis.” Teyla greeted her, spreading her arms out in a gesture that encompassed the facility.

“I must say it’s truly spectacular. I am honoured to be here.” Sam said. “Truthfully when we didn’t hear from Elizabeth or Sumner after the first transmission we assumed you had perished in the fight against the Wraith. Lets just say its very pleasing to discover Atlantis and the people have survived.”

“Not just survived, but thrived. Atlantis is now completely self-sufficient with her own crops on the mainland that keep us in food, and many refugees on the mainland keep herds that provide both sustenance and clothes.” Teyla said pointedly and Sam received the message loud and clear; Atlantis did not need Earth, and there had obviously been some resistance to re-establishing contact.

“Well that’s good to know. This is my college, Dr Daniel Jackson. He’d like to talk to you if that’s okay?” Sam said, still smiling politely.

Teyla turned to the man in surprise and bowed her head slightly. “Dr Jackson. Welcome. May I ask you, are you a doctor like Rodney or Carson?” She queried.

Sam hid a smile. “Uh, neither. You see on Earth ‘doctor’ can be used for a professional of many different areas. Psychology, medicine, science, anthropology… I’m an anthropologist and an archaeologist. Most of my work in the last seventeen years has been on the Stargate and the Ancients, in fact I even ascended once although I obviously have no memories of that time.” Daniel explained in a rather long-winded way as he glanced around the control room looking at al the glory he had been denied when Jack hadn’t allowed him to come with the expedition the first time around.

“I see,” Teyla said with a polite smile.

“Daniel is interested in people and cultures. If you could show him around the city, give him access to some of the databases that the Ancients kept on their own society and Ascension, and perhaps share with him some of the ways of your own people?” Sam ‘suggested’, and Teyla nodded and led Daniel out of the control room. Then Sam finally let out a breath. What a journey this would turn out to be!

Chapter Seven Link

pairing: john/rodney, fic: stargate atlantis, series: 10 yrs

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