Dean/Sam; Smith & Wesson 1/?

Nov 07, 2009 16:28

Title: Smith and Wesson
Pairing: Dean Smith/Sam Wesson
Characters: Dean, Sam, Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Missouri, Bella, Adam Milligan…
Rating: 15 for language
Spoilers: Season Four; ‘Jump the Shark’ and ‘It’s A Terrible Life’
Disclaimer: I am not Eric Kripke. I am female, poor, and English. See; not Kripke!
Genre: AU, romance, self-discovery, family
Summary: If Dean really was Dean Smith and Sam really was Sam Wesson.

Smith & Wesson: Chapter One Part 1

Dean Smith had been working at Sandover for three weeks now and he was loving his job. He knew it was hard for his family, especially since he had never really been far from home before, but that was what telephones, instant messenger, webcam, and emails were invented for. Unfortunately his sister Jo; who had always been a bit flighty and wilful, had used this opportunity to rebel against their parents (barkeep Ellen Harvelle-Smith and mechanic Bobby Smith) and had taken off to New York. Needless to say Ellen was pissed, and Dean’s mom was scary when she was pissed. So he had been avoiding their phone calls, voice mails, emails, IMs, and letters incessantly asking him to ‘have a word’ with his sister; a phrase Dean could easily interpret as ‘drag her ass back home kicking and screaming if you have to’ and no way was he doing that, even if he could get the time off work. Besides, Jo was twenty three now, a little bit of independence wouldn’t kill her.

Dean was busy ignoring such a call from his mother when he stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for his floor. At first he didn’t even notice the other person in the elevator but when he finally looked up he found the same mysterious brown haired and extremely tall man staring intently at him. This was starting to make Dean more than a little uncomfortable. It was the third time this week and still the man hadn’t spoken a word to him.

“Seriously, dude, I know you have this whole ‘our eyes met over a crowed elevator’ thing going on but I don’t swing that way.” He announced into the silence of the elevator.


Sam Wesson had been working at Sandover for three weeks now as a trained monkey… well, the ‘politically correct’ term was technical support but his job basically consisted of sitting in a cubical repeating the phrase ‘have you turned it off and on again? Well let’s try that then’ from 9am to 5pm. It wasn’t a bad job; health benefits, dentist, and a fair sized pay check but it wasn’t something Sam enjoyed and if he was stuck here in five years time he would happily take a gun to his head and screw the fact that was a sin. What was hell compared to five years of repeating the same sentence and working with the same jerks who look right through, you except when they are yelling at you for their screw ups!

So it surprised Sam that a suit-wearing blond guy with captivating green eyes and a strange taste in suspenders spoke to him in the elevator one unremarkable Wednesday morning. “What?” He asked, stunned when he heard what the manager thought. “No I…” Sam blushed. He was so used to people like this guy ignoring him that he hadn’t realised that he’d been staring. Shit. “Sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it… I just… this is my floor!” Sam announced and quickly escaped.

He had not been equipped to deal with that. He was twenty-five and no exactly a virgin but he had only ever been with girls before despite knowing his sexuality leaned towards men just as much as (if not more) towards women. His ex Madison hadn’t been able to cope with his own confusion about his identity; be it his fears and insecurities of starting a thing with a guy or the demons from his past that he had due to his father abandoning him on Missouri Wesson’s doorstep as a six month old baby. He had really tried to make it work with Madison, unlike his relationships with Jessica Moore, Meg Masters, Sarah Blake and Ruby Lawrence (who was his ex from hell) where he had been the one to run. This was why he had come here and taken the shitty job at Sandover, to get away from the memories.

Unfortunately he seemed to have gotten over Madison enough to have developed a rather embarrassing and obvious crush on a manager who would never look his way even if he did ‘swing’ that way.

Fuck it all. This wasn’t turning out to be the best decision of his life.

Chapter One: Part Two

It was just one of those days, so Sam wasn’t sure why he felt so surprised that he was once again stuck alone in the lift with the suited man. It was okay for the first three floors, but then the cute redhead from floor 6 got off, a pout marring her beauty because she hadn’t received any attention from either of the hot men in the elevator. No, they were both too wound up after the incident this morning.

Finally, Sam knew he had to break the silence and at least attempt to regain some of his pride and credibility. “I was staring into space,” he said into the quiet. The man swung around to look at him with a ‘what the fuck expression’. “This morning you said I’d been staring at you in the elevator… I’m sorry, but honestly I didn’t mean to. I just spaced out. Caffeine shortage or whatever.”

“Well it’s my space so stop staring at it,” the blond man said, still sounding a little aggravated.

“Right. Sorry.” Sam muttered before getting out. It wasn’t his floor but he couldn’t stand another second of the unbearable tension and animosity radiating from the other man. He’d had a crap day himself but he wasn’t the one taking it out on poor techs.

“Hey!” The blond shouted, running after him. Sam didn’t slow down, he had no intention of pandering to this guy’s weird moods, Sam didn’t care that he was outranked by the blond.

“I’m sorry, okay?”

That was new. Sam stopped and turned on the spot. The other man walked up to him and paused awkwardly. “I mean it, I apologise for being a jerk.” The other man’s green eyes were strangely honest and resentful all at the same time. “I just… It’s my birthday and I haven’t had a chance to leave my office to call home or anything and when my mom gets hold of me… well, I probably won’t be coming to work for a week afterwards just trying to mend my broken bones.” The blond admitted dryly.

Sam couldn’t help himself. He started laughing. Loud, throw-your-head-back bursts of laughter. The blond watched him with comically wide green eyes and a hint of fear and told Sam he was worried Sam had lost it. “Dude,” Sam got out when he could finally breath again, “you’re what… thirty and you’re scared of your mom!” He let himself have one last chuckle before sighing.

“A) I’m twenty-nine today, and B) you haven’t met my mother.” He told Sam.

“I’m sorry, man. I didn’t mean to laugh at you. I just had a really shit day too and I guess I needed a laugh.” Sam said, surprising himself at how easy it was to talk to the high ranking company man. “Happy birthday, by the way. I’m Sam Wesson.”

Dean shook his hand, now looking a bit bemused. “Dean Smith.”

“You want to come for a drink. Celebrate?”

Dean looked awkward. “Well.. I…”

Sam backed off pretty quick after that. He made his excuses, told Dean not to worry, threw in an extra ‘happy birthday’ and escaped from the floor by means of the stairwell. Three doubled flights of stairs later and he was on the street walking home to his flat near by. What a day it had been!


AN// This is a WIP. Thank you for all your comments and I’m sorry for the huge break in-between. I have some plans for where this is going and hope to be able to update more now I am on break from university! Thanks again and I hope you bare with me!

pairing: sam/dean, series: smith&wesson, fic: supernatural

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