It's not my fault I have a boring sobertastic life!
1) I like your sardonic humor and admire your confidence in who you are.
2) The movie Cruel Intentions reminds me of you because it's one of the earliest interests you expressed when I was first getting to know you. Username, banners, eagerness to read the actual book ... I remember these things. ;-)
3) 5am, because you're a night bird who refuses to sleep.
4) Aodyness
They didn't say it had to be a *real* word. :D Plus, it best describes you. It's the love of all things Aody. *nods*
5) Er ... um um ... *thinks* Oh! That time you first told me that you were quite "happy" and I made an absolute fool of myself. :D
I resent the implication that I throw all my friends into the same basket. *glares* I was kidding with the dog thing, you know. :-p Andrew's the dog, you're the cat, and the other people in the meme got different animals of their own. Yep. Yep. (A)
Aody would've probably gotten puma, or leopard, or some such other creature, if he hadn't been an owl. Except, I agree, he is. *g*
(And, yes, participation ahoy)
1) I like your sardonic humor and admire your confidence in who you are.
2) The movie Cruel Intentions reminds me of you because it's one of the earliest interests you expressed when I was first getting to know you. Username, banners, eagerness to read the actual book ... I remember these things. ;-)
3) 5am, because you're a night bird who refuses to sleep.
4) Aodyness
They didn't say it had to be a *real* word. :D Plus, it best describes you. It's the love of all things Aody. *nods*
5) Er ... um um ... *thinks* Oh! That time you first told me that you were quite "happy" and I made an absolute fool of myself. :D
6) Owl, gotta be an owl.
7) Crap, there's that problem again ...
Uh ... What do you like best about yourself?
... ahem.
I will stop bouncing all over LJ while I'm still in my funky, funky mood, I promise. :D
You stole owl from ME! If you recall, *I* shared the late bird joke with you. I did!
I win. :D
Aody would've probably gotten puma, or leopard, or some such other creature, if he hadn't been an owl. Except, I agree, he is. *g*
Ahh Cruel Intentions. I saw CI2 recently again, awful, awful movie.
5am? Hehe it's so 5am now.
Aodyness is just awsomeness.
lmao I've been through this.. (A)
An Owl.. that's 2 people who said Owl.. I don't see it but I ain't complaining. :p
Oh! What do I like best about myself? Can I cop out on this and say my ability to make awsome friends? :D
Sardonic - disdainfully or skeptically humorous : derisively mocking
synonym see SARCASTIC
Besides, we joke about things like Pinky and the Brain and who gets to be Snowball. Not very black, my dear. (A)
Absolutely awful, it's apart of Bigshot's collection, sitting next to Glitter, awful.
Can I call it, or what?
Of course he is.
Yes, you and your mean mind twistie ways.
It's the phrase, dear. You're stuck with it. (A)
Nope, no coping out. Answer correctly please. (6)
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