what a month or two!!!

Sep 04, 2006 17:02

Im sooo sorry i havent been updating, i havent had internet and i swear the library is that slow im ready to flip.
Anyway, darrens gone, Mark a guy knew for a while decided to go back to his ex and there is someone else in my life right now but im trying to work things out. Im not sure if i want to be with him yet or not.
I have also been tested as HIV positive about 4 weeks ago when Darren left.
I dont want to talk about it because i have my views on it and things are manic at the moment.
Nai started college today and she seems alot happier. I got stoned at the weekend and im STILL feeling like shit.
I was up at 7 today and im up at 8 tomorow.
WE have a phone line so we can have dial up but doubt i have the patience to go on the internet on dial up.
Anywy im sat in the libray next to some random guy and yeh thats my day.
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