Jun 26, 2006 21:47
My god what a day! Im still in a daze.
I was on the sofa as Darren and i aren't talking big time.
I was watching bb7 last night till about 4am. I also cant sleep till it gets light because we have a stalker.
Anyway.. I eventually get to sleep at about ermm 4 am.
I am then woken up at 8 am!! By his mum callin him to get him up because hes not answering his mobile!! 8 a fuckin m!!!!
So i answered in a right mood, she also got my daughter up!
I said look hes not going to answer!! You have woken me and my daughter up!!! and shes like oh shall i leave him then i said bit late now! we are up!! thanks!!
I go back to sleep till 2;30pm.
Naomi ( my daughter 15) came in MUM MUM i thought you was in the bedroom i went in and he was on the bed asleep naked!!!
No he never in all the time i have known him been naked in bed!!! Shock horror!!
He gets up and goes straight out into town hurrahh!!
A women comes askin for him, who is she? hmm mystery.
i tell him about this woman and that im scared so he comes home, fuck knows what for.
Then he emails me, now last night i sent him a love poem, a sorry thing.
To update on it all things are really bad here and i seriously thing he has blown his chance.
QUICK INFO...Yesterday i went out with my daughter to celebrate her birthday he stopped in.
He emailed asking where i was till 9;15pm like im some little kidd or he is the boss of me! I said its non of your buisness where i was i donthave to tell you im 33!!
He called me...(close your eyes if you dont like swearing).
A fucking dirty slag!!! and i have no proof or excuses to where i was!!
OMG! How weird can you get!!
so now its over i want nothing to do with him hes blown his chance hes lost me for good. And i told him no amount of apologies can mend this! I will never forgive him for what he called me!
So now im like hahahahha hes lost me and hes starting to realise he has i can tell.
Hes waiting for me to beg to have him back and start with the tears but im not im too mad and angry that theone person i thought loved me called me that just cause i went out!! I nver go out!! ever!!
So that me.
right now im pretending hes not here.I made his meal and put it on the talbe, that was an hour ago and it is still there cold. And the cats will get it so i will be the one movin it.
My aunty is comin round in the morning to clean for me.
and im going to be my normal self, ignore him and she will know we are not talking and if she asks why i will say why.
Ok we have fell out before and made up but this time is a no no.
Hes thinking he can just wait for the right moment to say sorry and ask for a hug and i will blow!!!
A sorry!!! after what he called me!! nahhh ahh!!
So four years down the drain thanks to him. I will have to move out of the house i love and move into a council house. Asshole i hope he rots in hell. Yer ok i do fancy him like crazy but hes really hurt me big time.