May 03, 2013 08:32
Well, we have found out that the baby is a boy. His name will be Grant Alexander Edwards, and his due date is September 2nd (Labor Day!).
I'm rediculously happy and excited about this kid. Like, if I think about all the small things and the big things that are going to happen in my life about him I get excited and bouncy and can't calm down, and sometimes I get so happy I cry. When I imagine him wrapping his fist around my finger, I lose it. When I imagine lecturing him on why we don't touch the hot stove, I smile and also worry because he's a kid and what if he doesn't listen and omgthislivingbeingismyresponsibilitytocareforandraise. **deep breath**
I have felt him start to move around inside me, feels like little burbles in my lower abdomen. Not quite like gas, as it is short and punctuated in the sensation. Gas is like a lingering pressure or rumbling. And the other day Gregg felt him move a couple times, just little staccato kicks/bumps against the palm of his hand, but Gregg felt it. I cried then, because I was so happy. I'd been looking forward to that moment ever since I found out I was pregnant, and it was wonderful.
As to the new drags out. We have to get a health and safety report for me, first, that will state what compounds/reagents I am allowed to handle in the lab. Anything that is a reproductive hazard or has unknown toxicity I won't handle. And most of the drug compounds are going to fall in that category. *sigh* So, I might be stuck doing desk work and verifying documents for the next four months, which will be rough. I want to get in the lab and PLAY, damnit! We're figuring out a few lab things I'll be able to do no matter what, qualifying instruments using caffeine solutions, for example. I'll get to work in there some, but I might not get to do method development work for a while.
Aside from the "can't do any work" part I'm really happy so far. The commute of 3 miles is AMAZING, and the coworkers are all great. I share a cubicle with a fellow RPG player, so we talk shop and games some. I've found a group of guys that play card games during lunch every Friday and have become part of that group, which is awesome. I need to introduce them to some of the games I know. I think I'll be happy here.