Sup duders

Oct 27, 2007 19:50

So how's it going, peeps?

I've had one of those weeks that makes you quesion your faith in humanity. Part 1 features a purported former IB student. This chick is seriously one of the most ditzy people I've ever met. And not in the lovably, they're still intelligent way of say, some people we know. No, she just comes across as stupid. To me, at least. She also has an attention span that rivals that of a goldfish/Lucas. But even Lucas or the goldfish could follow the plot of a South Park episode.

Not so with this person!

Moreover, she seems to labor under the delusion that calling me a "meanie" will stop me from....I'm not even sure what. Talking, apparently. I don't really know why she was mad at me, she didn't understand any of the jokes I made at her expense anyway. Like, literally. It was a little sad.

Also, I want to ask all of your opinions on this. I have a feeling as to who will side where, but let's just go with it. For background information, this conversation takes place in Keith's car, as Neale, two girls (one of them the aforementioned ditz) and myself. We're going on our way to a bowling alley, and earlier in the day Cambria came by to visit (yay).

Ditz: So, Richard, who was your little friend that came by earlier?
Me: What?
Ditz: Your friend with the long hair, who was that?
Me: Oh. That was my friend Cambria.
Ditz: Cambria? Isn't that the name of a country?
Me: ...
Ditz: Isn't that the name of a country?
Me: Uh, no. Cambria is not the name of a country.

Fast forward to a few days ago:

Ditz: Richard! You were totally mean to me the other night. I'm not stupid! Cambria is the name of a country.
Me: It really isn't.
Ditz: I looked it up on wikipedia. Cambria is the latin version of Wales. So it is a country! See?
Me: ...

So I looked it up. Even that isn't technically correct; Cambria is the latinsed version of Cymru, which in itself is the Welsh name for Wales. I feel like to get credit for it being the name of a country, they (the other girl was in agreement) need to have in some way referenced that they knew is was the name of a country in another language...within another language. Just tossin' "that sounds countrylike" out there and being three times removed from that being right doesn't count, in my opinion. I was wondering what you people thought.

Not that it totally matters; this is one of those times where I've pretty much made up my mind about the matter and it will take an exceedingly good argument to change it.

Also I interviewed 13 ASUCD senate candidates on Friday. De-pressing.

But! This Friday (Sunday, probably) will feature the American Gangster experience, which I am looking forward to quite a bit.
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