A hazy shade of OMGWTF

Oct 07, 2007 23:28

So this weekend was rad. I went on an Aggie retreat, which basically means the managing staff of the newspaper got together and spent the weekend at the managing editor's vacation house in Truckee. It was pretty amazing. Today sucked, though. I got to work and 2/3 writers flaked out on me and the third one had something horrible (yet beyond her control) happen to her story subject (the person the article was semi-about had a medical emergency and will not, in fact, be giving a guest lecture on Monday). So I had to work extra hard to make up the difference, then failed slightly. Plus my cold got worse.

Then I get home to watch the Packer game which I have been looking forward to all week (literally) because I work on Sundays, which means I can only see their games if it's a sunday or monday night game. The first have was awesome, they kicked ass, then the second half they totally fucked themselves over and gave the game away.

I want to point out that that is the short version, and a 3-4 page essay on the game would be insufficient to vent my opinion of the game (and of certain calls made by Larry Nemmers, the ref [may he rot in hell]).

The second half coincided with 2 girls coming over to the apartment at the behest of my roomates. Which was fine until they started annoying the shit out of me by, well, existing. I want to hear what's going on in the fucking game, not what you and your boyfriend are doing next week (especially when I'm only getting your side of the very loud phone conversation). Also they kept trying to talk to me when I obviously wanted to watch the game and got annoyed when I would ignore them. I ended up watching it upstairs on my tiny ass TV so I could hear wtf was happening.

And all my clothes are dirty, and tomorrow I have to work really hard because I have no stories currently running on Tuesday. Which means i need to write about 3 before 2 pm tomorrow. Which is not happening.

Also each and every cute girl I find myself interested in lately has a boyfriend already. What. The. Fuck.

And I have to read a fuck ton of Plato before I can sleep.

Today sucked.

Let's hope tomorrow doesn't.
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