Apr 12, 2010 18:28
Well, that isn't exactly how the saying is supposed to go, but will do for now. Let's see... What have I done now, fic-wise?
I've finished editing and reformatting all my Naruto stories save for the entire White Noise universe (including Mute Whispers and Snapshot Negatives). That's already saying a LOT, but hey, I've never before actually read through all my own works marathon-style before! Has anything changed? Not really. I just rearranged some bits and edited big, chunky paragraphs here and there. Are they all now on FFN? Not yet. Planning to do the grand chapter-content replacement next week yet. Wanna see if I can get at least half-way through White Noise first.
Speaking of which, that is the universe that will undergo quite a bit of editing. After all, I started that when I started out in college, pretty much. I think I can say I've grown up a bit since then, hm? And I'm pretty much immersing myself in the working world now so I can get more perspective on what goes on in some characters' heads. There will be new scenes coming out in the revamp, though I will try not to rearrange chapters around. *cringe at thought* That's too much of a mess that I don't want to foist on my readers.
Art, art, art. Well, the thing is, I've barely been able to do any personal art lately, not since I did that lineart of a piece I collab'd with a friend on. I've got unfinished business that I'll likely find time for when I've finished the promotional material I'm designing at work now.
Who knew the job came with incidental art projects? Not me!!!
My personal life is a tad messy now, what with helping my muse get her stuff together to move into her new place. Can't live in the same apartments since I'm not sure that will really be all that good an idea at the moment, but I'm trying to help her as much as I can - as she's hopeless at doing things like this on her own.
Right, this was just a quick rant on life as it is for moi now. I gotta get back to those promotionals. There is NO end to the workday for me, but then, am used to that already.
Ciao for now!