OOC: Dream

Sep 28, 2010 00:11

The first thing that he could feel was the wind in his face, blowing peacefully. When he opened his eyes, he was soaring through fluffy white clouds. He was sitting on something that was allowing him to fly, and he could see that there were others with him. To his left, he caught a flash of blue out of the corner of his eye; to his right, a hint of green. Then, straight ahead, he saw a figure glowing as it stood there, staring off into the distance.

They were no longer flying, but landing on a rock, surrounded by fire and lava. He felt his stomach twist at the sight; he knew whatever was going on, it was bad. The rock they were standing on shot straight up into the air, and waves of water tried to put out the fire, but it wasn’t working. Finally, a blast of wind nearly knocked him off of his feet, and he clung to the rock for dear life.

It seemed like the rock was never going to land, but when it did, he realized he was alone. He was in a deserted city made of ice and snow, and he walked the streets by himself, with only the light of the moon for guidance. He wasn’t sure where he was going, but eventually, he found a building and went inside.

In contrast to the snow city, the inside of the building was warm and wooden. There was nothing in the room except for a golden fan on a pedestal. He approached the fan, reaching out to touch it, when he heard a girl laughing. He whipped his head around, searching for the source of the noise, but there was no one there.

When he turned back around to look at the fan again, it was gone. Only a few traces of white powder remained, which he dabbed up with his finger. The girl had stolen the fan, and only left this tiny clue behind.

The fan was important. If the girl had it, that meant she was important, too.

He left the room and went back out into the snow. As he ran through the abandoned city, only the moon kept a watchful eye on him.


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