2nd Memory --- Sight/Smell

Apr 01, 2011 23:36

Wolf had been out of the loop for a long while. He didn't really have any excuse for it, but things just kept moving by so fast and were over before he was aware of them. He was frustrated, and that probably accounted for stumbling across the memory crystal that day.

He didn't even have time to react. As soon as he touched it with his bare foot, the world around him went white and he was transported somewhere else...


The first thing he noticed was that he was smaller. His hands were small, and he was bundled up as tightly as possible. He couldn't feel the cold, but he couldn't feel anything. All he could see was the mounds of snow that surrounded him. Wolf couldn't hear anything either.

He raised his head to look around and was promptly hit in the face with a snowball, though he couldn't feel the impact. Wiping the snow away, the younger Wolf saw a little girl still holding her arm back and giggling. Her features looked similar to his own, although she was much smaller, and had her hair tied back into a braid.

Wolf prepared to retaliate with a snowball almost as big as he was, when something caught his attention and made him look towards the sky. He could smell it before he saw it. A sharp, burning smell made his nose crinkle and he finally saw flakes of ash falling from the sky. It was as though it were raining embers. Wolf dropped the snowball and ran towards the source.

It was at the edge of the land that he found the culprit. Giant black warships, belching smoke, were steaming towards the shore. Wolf noticed other men bundled up in the same clothing, and they were grabbing weapons and preparing themselves. Something bad was coming.

Some of the ship's occupants jumped off as the boats landed. They were wearing metallic armor and terrifying face masks, but what got Wolf's attention more than anything was the fact that they were shooting fireballs from their palms. He could smell the flames and saw them lash towards his people, and he was more afraid than he'd ever been.

A man from Wolf's town led the charge against the invaders. Wolf's vision was drawn to him for a reason he had yet to understand, but the brave man dove into the fray with the warriors, mouth open in what was surely a battle cry. Little Wolf could do nothing but hide from the safety of a nearby snow bank.

The fight continued on until a man from the invading side was thrown into Wolf's snow bank. In retaliation, Wolf saw himself dump snow on the man and jump on his back. There was a boomerang lying on the ground, and little Wolf picked it up. He started to run for the shore, but the invaders were retreating. As soon as they had arrived, they were gone.

The ash was still falling like snow, leaving Wolf and the other men wondering what exactly the black ships had come for, and whether or not they'd gotten it.


Wolf came out of the memory and realized that he could hear again. He was in the kitchen, on his knees. "That was weird," he said, and stopped suddenly. Why was his voice so high? Great, he thought with a sigh. A memory that hadn't helped out at all, and now his voice was going to sound all squeaky for who-knew-how-long?

What troubled him the most was the little girl he'd seen, the one in the snowball fight. They looked so much alike, and she looked nothing like Marbles. He grimaced. As soon as his voice went back to normal, they'd need to talk.

[Memory from Book 3: Fire, Chapter 16 - The Southern Raiders. Transcript here from AvatarSpirit.Net]

ooc: memory

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