1st Memory - Sound/Touch

Dec 04, 2010 01:40

Wolf had a bit more work than normal over the past week. Mr Castor hadn't been at work since his friend had disappeared, and Wolf knew his boss just needed some time to mourn. Meanwhile, he'd been running the store to the best of his ability, but the special orders were piling up without any help.

He was lost in his work, cleaning a carcass from a cow when he saw it. There was something glittering in the rib cage. Had the cow swallowed something before it was killed?

He reached in, thankful for the gloves he was wearing, and extracted it. It looked perfectly round and had a gemlike quality to it. Wolf decided it was high time for a break and stepped away from the work area to examine it further.

He took off his gloves and touched the outer rings cautiously. People found and were put into strange situations all the time around here. Maybe these things were to blame. But as he was thinking, his finger slipped and brushed against the main part of the crystal. That's when everything around him went dark...


Wolf couldn't see anything, but he could hear voices around him and feel his muscles tense, as though something bad was about to happen.

"I don't think these pirates are here to trade with us!" a female voice said nervously, and Wolf thought she sounded an awful lot like Marbles. What trouble were they in this time? Pirates?

Before he could think, his feet were moving. He and the girl were running, and Wolf could feel his feet hit the stones on the road, his chest heaving as he pushed himself as fast as he could go, and the sweat that was beginning to form at the base of his neck. Behind them, he could hear the voices of the pirates, obviously angry, chasing them.

He skidded to a stop, letting a "Whoa!" escape him, but the pirates didn't catch him. Instead, he heard the sound of people slipping and falling to the ground. Wolf and the girl used the opportunity to put some distance between them and the angry men. They ran until they were cornered again, one man stepping forward and threatening them into backing into a corner. "Now, who gets to taste the steel of my blade first?" he asked in a menacing voice.

"No thanks!" Wolf heard a young boy say. He hadn't noticed that he and the girl were with anyone. With a gust of wind, the pirates fell down again, and Wolf and the girl were running to catch on to something. The ground fell away from their feet and they were flying.

"Hold on tight!" the boy called. Wolf intended to do just that.

"A---," the girl said. "I thought we were running away from the pirates."

"Just hang on!" the boy insisted. The thing they were flying on seemed to have some trouble staying aloft, but eventually took off. After a while, they landed somewhere quiet, and Wolf couldn't hear any of the pirates anymore. They had escaped.

"I used to look up to pirates," the boy said, snapping something closed. "But those guys are terrible!"

"I know." The girl took out something from her clothing that rustled. "That's why I took this."

"No way."

"Isn't this great?" The girl seemed oblivious to the boy's disapproval.

Wolf took a few steps closer. "No wonder they were trying to hack us up. You stole their water----- scroll."

He could just tell she was smirking. "I prefer to think of it as 'high-risk trading.'"

"Good one!" the boy attempted, but Wolf wouldn't let it go.

"Where do you think they got it from? They stole it from a water-----." She sounded indignant.

"It doesn't matter." Wolf was angry now. "You put all our lives in danger just so you could learn some stupid, fancy splashes!"

"These are real water------ forms. You know how crucial it is for A--- to learn water------."

Wolf was disgusted. How could she do something like this? "Whatever," he muttered, turning away.

The boy seemed like he was trying to play peacemaker between the two. "What's done is done. We might as well learn from it."


Wolf came to leaning against the freezer. His shoulder was getting numb, so he pushed himself back up to standing. The crystal was gone; he had to have dropped it somewhere while that - memory, was it? - played in his mind.

That girl - she'd sounded so much like his sister, it was scary. Maybe there was a reason for the two of them being born together after all. They didn't look alike, but you didn't have to be blood related to be family. The boy he'd heard could have been family, too.

More troubling was the fact that his sister had stolen - and more than that, stolen from dangerous pirates. They were lucky they'd escaped being killed. He wondered what could possibly have been on that scroll that was so important to learn. Wolf also wondered why their voices had faded out on certain words, and on anything to do with water. Water must have some special meaning, as near as he could figure.

The shop would have to close early. He needed time to think over everything he'd heard.

...And figure out why he all of a sudden had a beard.

[Transcript from AvatarSpirit.Net. Taken from Book 1, Chapter 9: The Waterbending Scroll.]

!sense: sound, ooc: memory, !sense: touch

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