Title: Sensual Red Lights
author: Me..? Sarcasm_chan
warning: well, ...yaoi and vulgar language sometimes... english is not my mother-tongue..not beta-read
pairings: ShouxHiroto , ToraxHiroto , ?xUruha
disclaimers: unfortunately, their manager didn't want to sell them to me ;_; the meanie wants them for his own use -_-; so, i don't own them....
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P.S. I'm missing your other fic!
and about your questions: you'll see about Ruki X3 maybe he's just a very very good actor >D
hahaha between Hiroto and Shou? Well Shou is on love with him while Hiroto has a boyfriend X3 XDD
hahah Saga will come ^^
And what makes you think Aoi did that? ^^
hahah I'll try to ^---^ Thanks for commenting! =D
P.S: I know I am again really late with it... I am sorry ._. the fic is just not really progressing and I am desperately looking for ideas for it...I am working on it ^^ I am sorry for making you wait. m(_ _)m
It can't be that simple!
Hmm.. Because Ruki wouldn't do something like that; he would sign the card and Aoi seems bold enough to do something like that. Or something like that..
Don't worry about it, take your time!
hhaahha okay well then I take it as a compliment XDD
why can't it be simple? m(^--^)m
wow...you really are good at making it sound reasonable...Hmm well we'll see who sent the wine ne? ^^
^^ yeah but still, I feel bad I can't continue it ><;; I really want to D:
You should! I usually hate everybody.
Because your fics are never simple.
I think too much ^^'... Oh c'mon, you can tell me!
Don't push yourself, let the inspiration come to you! xD
hahah you hate everybody?? XDD ^^;; poor them.
haha that's a fair point...
I don't mind you thinking! I actually like it X3 >D I know I can tell you >D
haha I'll try! ^^ (i say haha(haha) way too much D:)
It is, I always think I know what will happen in the end but then you turn everything upside down :p.
Yes you can ;) so.. give me a hint (or two)!
haha that's my power >D *PROUD of THAT*
I love to mess with you guys'minds >D
hahaha about what exactly? what si you wnat to know? X3
***"what is it you want to know?"*
And you're too good at it >_<.
Hmm.. Maybe something about the mystery man? :3
I take taht as a compliment >D
ah! ok well: If you think about it clearly: The Mystery man Suddenly replaced Ruki in a sex scene while Ruki had to top, what do we know about Ruki ? >D Maybe that answers a bit about the mystery man X3
Would it be terrible if I added you?
hahah good luck
yes that would be horrible. But since I am such a nice person I allow you to ^--^v (even worse, I'll add you back >D)
A nice person? You? xDD
>D sarcasm, love. Sarcasm.
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