Hey there!
So here's finally a new chap of my fic ^^ Sorry for taking so long m(_ _)m
Title: Circulation
author: Me..? Sarcasm_chan
warning: well, some dramatic stuff and some manxman things ^^
pairings: UruhaxKai KaixReita AoixReita (Reitax?)
disclaimers: unfortunately, their manager didn't want to sell them
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Yeah, I have that feeling, too. What a roller coaster of a life; happiness comes easier but the hurt hurts more when it comes. For some reason I think a more stable would not be as emotionally tiring.
^^; Well aren't we weird, liking indirect conversations better. Hm... even when I talk face to face, I usually don't look at the person I'm talking to. It's a lot more easier to talk when you don't have to actually face the person.
Hm... It's a good ability, to be able to recognize lies. It can make life easier at times... But harder, too. Oh, how annoying. :'D
Hm... There are only a few people whom with I don't feel too uncomfortable talking directly. I guess it's easier to talk online 'cause you just don't need to worry about facing the person and their first reactions. Yeah, I find it weird how much easier it is to make my point clear in writing than out loud. I guess I just don't know how to articulate clearly. ^^;
(Aw, good girl. :D I'd give you a muffin for that but someone ate them already >.>;;;)
I guess it's quite useful to be able to recognize liars, ^^;
I don't know what it is with talking face to face, but I never can be myself when I do that...It's like my real personality hides itself behind another one and it is pretty annoying, especially cause many people notice that and call me weird, or are insulted that I can't open myself up to them...It is something i can't help actually ^^;; that's why I almost think my online friends know me better...which is weird...^^; (of course I have friends who I talk to online too, so those know me pretty good too..XD;)
*cries for the muffin*
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