You Know You're in WCSPA When...

Mar 03, 2007 17:23

[1] You compare your astringent to the person sitting next to you.
[2] You’re female and you just washed your face in the boys’ bathroom, and didn’t get in trouble for it.
[3] You can’t understand someone unless they’re making an overdramatic face.
[4] You see people walking down the hall in jazz shoes and black jazz pants and consider it to be “normal.”
[5] You break out into song when someone says a word, and you know that there’s a song to go with that word.
[6] You know what the longest running Broadway show is.
[7] You said the answer to number six out loud.
[8] Reading plays is something you consider to be fun, and you do it on a regular basis.
[9] You don’t think anything of being in your underwear in a group of the same sex.
[10] You have a sweet blue binder with your name on it [and you’ve written “I [heart] WCSPA” on it]. 
[11] You call your teachers by the first letter or their last name.
[12] You’re male, and you can complete straight makeup [and you wear it frequently].
[13] Looking stupid is part of your morning routine.
[14] The lobby by the front door is warmer than you classrooms.
[15] You know more French then any of Mrs. Lutz’s students.
[16] You can completely beat someone up without actually hurting them, or even giving them a bruise.
[17] Wearing oil-based foundation that makes you look like a pumpkin is considered pretty stellar. 
[18] Par-cans have had a name change to the I-Hop.
[19] You don’t finish your homework the night before so you can do it during your extra 20 minutes of second hour/bus ride back to your home school.
[20] You have the urge to do leaps instead of walking down the hallway.
[21] You respond to your character’s name rather than your real name.
[22] You also respond when someone yells, “Hey WCSPA nerd!”
[23] You knew that the answer to number six was Phantom of the Opera, and you had said it out loud.
[24] You go into an auditorium and can name [nearly] every curtain, light, and part of the stage. 
[25] Taking off your make-up becomes a competition, and you stand up and yell, “I win!” when you’re done.
[26] Your WCSPA teacher walks into your classroom and you’re the only one who knows them. 
[27] You look forward to first and second hour for a year, and then you look forward to fifth and sixth hour more then everyone else.
[28] You get all subjects crammed into two hours [math, history, science, and English].
[29] You’re still reading this list …………
[30] You have friends at your rivalry school [and you brag about it].
[31] You can say “WCSPA” the correct way [wick-spa]
[32] Being “overdramatic” has never occurred to you as a reality, or even possible.
[33] You’re giggling both inside [and out] as you’re reading this].
[34] You practice your dance routine out at the bus stop in the morning.
[35] You’re waiting in line and you start practicing your pliés.
[36] Ad slams are considered a “cut-throat” competition.
[37] Someone will call you an unvoiced fricative, and you won’t be offended.
[38] You know how to sing the Dutch version of Yankee Doodle.
[39] When someone yells, "LEE SEXUALLY HARASSED ME!!", you ignore it because it only means Danielle was pinched from a riddle.
[40] When attornies and lawyers are mentioned for a little kid musical, you pay no major attention to it.
[41] You actually understand everything on this list.
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