Feb 20, 2007 08:47
Thank goodness for Winter Break! I was getting kind of sick of school, and I've been really tired. So now I've actually been sleeping in, which is a miracle for me.
Been talking to Mr. Derek Szczepanski lately. I love him more then life. The other day, he had asked how I was and I told him I had been way better. So we IMed for a bit, then I explain how I hate how I look. I'm, honestly, so fat and just so ugly. Lkjasf. I hate myself. But we've been talking a lot lately. I love gay guys. They make me smile. :]
So last night, I was totally chatting up with Marc, Derek, Mary, and three others. So somehow, Marc and I got into this virtual hug thing,a nd we were debating on who decides when we stop hugging. I finally said, "It's yours [your choice] and that's final!" I then said that we're hugging forever. He said, "no problemo here." I told Derek that and he said, "He loves you. He's completely flirting with you." Yeah right. Then Marc and I were arguing about if I'm pretty or not, and he said, "Well, I say you're pretty, so my vote counts somehow." Then we were bickering about me being 'sexy'. He finally said that I'm cuxy. A combination of cute and sexy. I told Derek, and he kept going on about Marc having a crush on me, etc. I love Derek...and Marc. They both make me smile a lot. :]
Sunday was the toboggan run with the youth group. It was so much fun! I got to know Laura [Kevin's cousin from Missouri] really well, and I don't want her to leave! She's such a sweetheart!! When I told her I had to leave, she's like, "Oh. Ok."
"I'm sorry. you're stuck with..."
"My sister...and my cousins."
"Oh. I'm really sorry."
Haha! It was great. Then Leslie and I got Starbucks. :]
That's it. I'm going now.
Love Always.
Sarah Rae.