Oct 03, 2004 20:10
heyy OMG this weekend has been realli fun well saturday i went to sarah flams it was soo much fun alot of shyt happened but can't realli say but it was fun we stayed there till like 11 nd then hannahs mom came nd we had to take sarah home soo we took her home nd left suzie there hahaa lol that was hilarious haha nd then we took dani home and then me suzie nd kelsi nd hannah went back to hananhs house nd just like hung out there it was fun nd then me nd hannah slept in her room nd kelsi nd suzie slept in the outside room lol. Then we woke up nd went online nd then her mommy made us bagels yummy! and then arond like 1 my dad picked us up nd me nd kelsi just hung around my house till like 2:15 nd then she left nd then at like 3 becky came ovr nd we just hung out lol becky i missed u soo much lol ur my only friend haha jkjk well ima go i can't wait until next weekend its alli nd zachs b'nai mitzvah ahhh i can't wait ilu 2 u gonna do amazing its gonna be soo much fun xoxo mwa