
Jul 09, 2006 11:12

Since I just did the meme, I'll do a real update.

My summer class ended a few weeks ago, and although I haven't been busy with school as much, I've still been busy. I went to the beach with the family for a week which was very nice. Then I went home for a couple of days because I didn't have to go back to school right away. I'm still TA-ing a class that doesn't end for another two weeks. The weekend before the 4th I went home again because the restaurant was closed and we were out of school. I had fun but it wasn't terribly exciting, I got to hang out with Angie for a long time and my mom and I watched a lot of movies. Allison was back from Europe so I saw her also. I came through Atlanta quickly on Saturday and got my hair cut, got measured for my bridesmaid's dress (yay!) and had lunch with Alexa.

Things are winding down though, I can't believe that I only have a month left before I have to be back at school for fall semester. After my class ends in a couple of weeks I'm going to DC to help Samar move into her new apartment, and then home for about a week. Then it will be time to start classes again. And time to start doing applications to Ph.D. programs.....AHHHH.

I'm so scatterbrained about life right now. I have no idea where I want to go. One minute I think I can't go anywhere but Atlanta or I'll die, and the next I'm fed up with everything here and want to move far away. I'm just terrified that I'll make the wrong decision. I hope that it becomes clearer in the next few months.

I'm not feeling very wordy right now, I think it's too early.
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