2008 vs. 2009

May 26, 2009 14:58

I've never really thought of myself as a person to compare years...and it's kind of nowhere near the end or beginning, but I've been thinking...
can't seem to find where the love has gone this year. it's completely disappeared. but I'm not fully certain that it wasn't heading that way all last year. 2008 seemed to be filled with love, but it's possible it was only the beginning of the end.
the whole reason I had these thoughts is because of the State of the Sharks conference I had tivo'd 2 weeks or some ago & decided to watch today. it's a sad thing...I love this team and they let me down. I loved you and you left. same thing? I can't believe I'm even suggesting...
I like being comfortable, I don't think that's a flaw. but it's hard not to feel it is when everyone around you seems to be so adamant about change. or, will leave you behind if you don't change..? trying to identify solely with myself and leave everyone around me out of it...but it's hard. and I miss you everyday. and I don't know when that will change. and that scares me. am I supposed to pine for you forever? what will bring me out of this? I've never been good with not having answers... it's pissing me off, and making me sad, and making me crazy.
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