Man, today sucks outside. It's all gray and rainy. Blows, dude. Anyhoo, I'm just sort of hanging out at the moment while my new roomie is moving in. At first, I'm no going to lie, I wasn't all that keen about having a new roomate. But now that she's here, I think it's going to work out pretty well.
Haha, I got
bonasgirladdicted to Harry Potter fanfiction! :)One at a time, people, one at a time. And the best part is, she likes Snape fanfiction. I will convert you all. Muahahaha.
lindyhopdiva thinks I should make up a list of all my Pointers that I have handed out to her over the years. Perhaps I will. In fact, that would be a fantastic lj post to make at some point.
Someone sprayed some funky smelling perfume somewhere on the floor, and it's giving me a headache. Ahh, open window.
I should be taking time right now to learn my monologue for tomorrow. I'm not nervous. Yet. I will be though. I really want to be involved in some type of theatre at NU. For me, that would be the thing that would really bring back a lot of my confidence about acting. Plus, it would be freaking awesome to be in dinner theatre. I think that's so much fun. I totally think I'm going to dress up, too. Which reminds me, I have to ask G if she has red nail polish...