30 Days Kanjani8 Challenge - Days 3 & 4

Jun 11, 2012 13:58

Day 3: Your Favorite Cover Song

No doubt about it: Subaru's cover of TOKIO's Mr Traveling Man from Shunen Club Premium Dec 27th, 2006

This session is amazing, this version came out so good with only Taichi and Subaru!
Back when I first heard it I didn't know it was a TOKIO song and it was this cover session that made me interested in TOKIO for the first time, and now I'm also their fan.

Day 4: Your First Impression of the Group

Ugly. Weird. Old guys.

Understand me, I used to be an Arashi fan xD  I wasn't used to all that weirdness, and they were not exactly the most good-looking guys on the agency. And they looked old to me, specially Subaru. I was used to Arashi's clean image, so when I met Eito I was like.. wtf xD
But then it was exactly those things I found weird at first that got me into them and that keep me loving them right until this day.

meme, eito 30 days challenge

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