Apr 07, 2009 16:03
For the past, oh, month or so I've been thinking about how I haven't posted in forever. And yet, did I post? Of course not. Partly because of school, mostly because whenever I'm around a computer I always have "better" things to do. As my computer is broken right now I'm finding new and exciting ways to entertain myself. Meaning, posting on livejournal and doing my homework early. I've also been reading actual books a lot more. I'm hoping to get my computer fixed today.
As school is the major thing going on in my life right now I feel rather obliged to talk about it at least a little. Although I'm sure most of you are sick of the subject by now, or just don't care. But yes, school is going well. I finished up my med-surg clinical a few weeks ago. It was amazing! Even if I can't be a peds nurse right away I think I'll be happy working in med-surg for a few years.
Currently I'm on the child psych ward. I have to say, this experience has made me very happy that I didn't pursue psychology. Not that it's not interesting, it just doesn't feel very fulfilling. On a medical floor I had skills that I could use, I knew what I was supposed to be doing or at least I had an idea. It was fast paced and fun and I learned and imporved so much. On the psych ward, it's like working at a daycare but with fewer kids, more staff, and sometimes the kids freakout and attack us. Having said that, I'm glad I chose child and not adult, I think adult psych would have been far worse. At least on the child side I can color and watch movies with the kids. And I just find it more fun to spend time with the kids, even if a lot of them act like brats. They still have their moments.
Amd I only have two more weeks left. And only three more weeks of school. Then I have two weeks off and then the summer session. I'll be having med-surg 2 on the neuro floor at St. V's. It's going to be crazy hectic this summer but I think it will be fun.
I'll need to try and smush as much hanging out time during those 2 weeks I have off as possible. I also have about 2 weeks near the end before fall semester starts. I hope everything is going well with you guys.