BeaUteniful linkage--especially for misura...

Mar 09, 2005 10:35

Some of my all-time favorite fanworks from the Utena fandom

Utena Fanfiction Repository
*lots* of incredible stories by various authors

Alan Harnum's Utena fiction--amazing stuff!
(his "Sovereignty-Associationist Girl Nanami" really belongs in "Humor," below)

DeathQuaker's Fiction - some serious, some funny

Suncat Studio
Her own good writing (including a good funny piece), and links to others.

Excellent Post-Ohtori saga. Still not finished, alas!

Roseate Nocturne
Site hosts absolutely one of the most beautiful anime music videos I've ever seen, set to Evanescence's "Bring Me to Life." Warning: contains end-of-series spoilers.

Utena Thumbnail Theater
Just plain hilarious. Try her "Outtakes" on the same site too!

You can also find some great Utena fics in my ffdn favorites list. And ::cough cough:: I've done an Utena fic or two of my own!

I may post more recs as I sift through my huge Utena favorites folder and determine which ones are still extant. (Some great ones have vanished! Curse you and your ephemeral nature, Web!)

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