work work work

Jul 17, 2008 08:23



*****8 years ago today: July 17, 2000*****

1) How old were you?

2) Where did you go to school?
City Middle-High

3) Where did you work?
No job, too young to drive to one

4) Where did you live?
Grand Rapids, MI

5) Where did you hang out?
My house

6) Did you wear contacts?
I think I had given up on them by that point

7) Who was your best friend?
That was the summer I didn't have any friends... long story...

8)How many tattoos did you have?

9) How many piercings did you have?
The same number I have now, four

10) Did you drive a car?
Think I answered this...

11) Had you been to a real party?
Uh, as opposed to a fake one?

12) Had you had your heart broken?
Nope... unless you count in friendship, considering that I had no friends... people suck.

13) Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorce?

14) Any Kids?

***4 years ago July 17, 2004

1) How old were you?

2) Where did you go to school?
Albion College

3) Where did you work?
OfficeMax (blech) and Fire Mountain Grill (bigger blech)

4) Where did you live?
Grand Rapids

5) Did you wear glasses?

7) Who was your best friend?
Cynthia at that point

8) How many tattoos did you have?
Still none

9) How many piercings?
See previous answer

10) What car did you drive?
Leon the Neon... well, at the end of the summer. Don't think I had him by July.

11) Had your heart broken?
Nope. Did some heart-breaking though.

12) Were you Single/Taken?

13) Any Kids?

*****Today: July 17, 2008*****

1) How old are you?

2) What do you do?
Library and old-people school

3) Where do you live?
Grand Rapids, MI--soon to be CLEVELAND!

4) Do you wear glasses?
Nope, although I probably should go get that checked one of these days

5) Who is your closest friend?
I have lots of close friends :)

6) Do you talk to your old friends?
Now and again, when the horrific amount of hours I spend working allows me to

7) How many piercings do you have?
Four... still...

8) How many tattoos?
Just one. Or I suppose five very small ones.

9) What kind of car do you have?
Malibu Giles

10) Has your heart been broken?

11) Single/taken/married/divorced?
Taken! :)

12) Any Children?
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