Jan 30, 2008 22:47
I like winter but thunderstorms followed by temperatures dropping into the single digits doesn't really do it for me. Went to pick up my dead computer from the Apple store (who did NOT charge me $85 for fixing nothing after all, which is good because they said on the phone they were going to and I was ready to make a fuss), and it took us forty minutes to get there... normally it's like fifteen. AGGGHHH snow.
There's an Icicles song stuck in my head that goes, " Sad to think is it's only January Fourth/ And we've got at least two months more/ And actually since we're in Michigan/ Summer may never begin." Irritatingly appropriate.
I have a job interview tomorrow. Job gods, please smile upon me.
Hi my name is: Bethany
When I'm nervous: I experience a strange disjunction between what my brain is doing and what the rest of me is doing and shake like mad without being able to stop it.
By this time next year: Grad school? Working? Throwing aside the culturally appropriate paths set forth in Western society and heading into the mountains to become an itinerant environmental artist who leaves no trace of her presence but her inspiring sculptures made of pine cones? The latter option is starting to look more and more appealing...
Last night: I wrote a story about khoi fish. I have since been informed that khoi is actually spelled k-o-i. Oh well.
Were you a planned baby? Yep. I feel this is an appropriate question in which to mention that the first thing my dad did when he met Brenda was to point at me and say, "I fathered that." Planned enough to brag about... at least it wasn't the armadillo story.
Were you the first? And best. Muahaha.
Are your parents still married? Indeed they are.
Do you have low self esteem? At the moment it's not that great. Stupid economy.
Do you get depressed about things easily? It depends on what it is. Sometimes, yes.
Are you happy right now? Eh. Could be better.
Are you comfortable with the way you look? For the most part. I'm glad my hair is growing out.
Describe your hair: Brown, shoulder-length, can't decide whether it wants to be wavy or straight and ends up somewhere in the middle that is extraordinarily hard to do anything with.
Where do you buy most of your clothes? Currently nowhere... I have no money.
Ever been kicked out of a bar? No, however once we were in danger of getting kicked out of a Taco Bell, but it was actually a Pizza Hut. ... you really had to be there.
Ever drunk dial an ex? Nope.
Can you tie a cherry stem using your tongue? No, but I can turn my tongue upside down.
Do you prefer indoors or outdoors? When it's not cold I like the outdoors.
Do you like walking in the rain? No, not really. Sometimes if it's warm rain.
Do you like thunderstorms? YES.
Are you a vegetarian? No, but after reading Kevin's post the other day I feel like I probably should become one.
Anything you absolutely could eat forever? Black olives.
What is your favorite dessert? Anything with chocolate in it, really. Ice cream.
Do you want to get married? Eventually... definitely not right now. I think my life needs to have a little more control first.
Do you miss someone right now? I do.
Where is your cell phone? I have no idea. Purse?
Your hair? Doing what it always does... sitting there. Or does the question mean where is my hair?, in which case it is on my head.
Your style? Again, where is my style? I dunno, it went away when I put on pajamas.
Cheesecake? There's probably cheesecake at Meijer, but none here.
Siblings? My brother and sister are both in East Lansing... can't really get more specific than that. All right, I'll stop deliberately missing the point now and answer the poorly worded questions.
Your dream last night? Don't remember. However, I did have a freaking hilarious one the other day that I went to get my hair cut and Alli Gessner leaped out of a closet at me when I turned around to look in the mirror. That was pretty funny.
Your favorite drink? Hot chocolate.
Car you want? I don't really care. A car with a door that works properly would be nice, I must say.
The room you are in? Family room.
Your life goal? That when I die I will be proud of what I've done.
Your fears? That when I'm not physically around people they forget about me and I don't really matter. Also, closets and basements. And flying monkeys. Luckily, that last fear doesn't actually exist.
Piercings? Two in each ear. I kind of want to pierce my nose but I haven't worked up the courage to actually do it.
Tonight? Seriously, specificity is a useful aspect of language. WHO I am tonight is Bethany with a little bit of Any and Bethie thrown in, WHERE I am tonight is at home, WHY I am tonight is a question better left to philosophers, priests, and people far more interested long discussions about metaphysical concepts that result in no answers and no practical gain.
Last night? AGGHHHHHH!!!!!
Check out Superbad? Was pretty funny.
One of your wish list items? A new computer would be nice right about now... or winning the lottery... or just getting a better job.
Where did you grow up? In chronological order, Athens, Wooster, Grand Rapids
Favorite movie? Tons and tons. What Dreams May Come and Pan's Labyrinth top the list.
What are you wearing? PJ pants, sweater, T-shirt
Tattoos? Just one on my ankle. Or five, if you count the individual stars.
Ketchup? Mmm, catsup.
Your computer? ALAS POOR COMPUTER. Caps lock attack.
Your friends? My friends are not here and I miss them terribly.
Your mood? Grouchy.
What are you thinking about right now? Wondering why I keep getting migraines lately.
Your car/truck is? Covered in snow and ice. Poor Leon.
Your work? Could be worse. Would be better if I got paid more.
Your summer? Oh, god, summer. I want summer to be here now. Three weeks and I will be in Florida. Sweet.
Your favorite song? It changes depending on my mood. I think a constant is Man on the Moon by REM.
Your favorite color(s): Red and pink.
When is the last time you laughed?: Telling Andy how slow my mom types and how the bargain of me using her laptop is to type all her syllabuses and class assignments for her.
Last time you cried? Monday, I think.
High school? City High, go pegasi... best. mascot. ever. (note dripping sarcasm)
Last text? Good lord, why do these things ALWAYS ask that?
Last received call? Company calling to tell me I had an interview.
Last IM? Andy before he left for home from the dental school lab.
Crushing? I'm pretty sure everyone knows this one. Duh, people.
Life? Frustrating at the moment.
And, stop.