May 03, 2005 22:45
Well today I went to Jo-Jo's house down the street and skated my rail at like 4ish after having another bland day at school and an even more bland detention for bein late like 10 times to 1st period. so anyways i went skating on my practice rail, with adno, keith, chris, danny, jo jo,franky, drew, and i dont even know who else was there, but it was alot of us...and then i went out to shoot photos, with chris, adno, keith and drew... it was really fun, we went to new college and ringling and got a bunch, ill post mine as soon as i get em. then went to the tuttle circle and got a few and chilled there, then took everyone home, now im here, and i ate some hungry howies that was my day, pretty fun, and now im gonna stay up till 12ish and wake up feelin like i need another nights sleep tomorrow, so goodnite, and talk to you all later...