So its been Like for ever since i Wrote in this stupid thing...
MySpace is a better way to keep in touch if you even read this shit!
Click here to view my MySpaceSo this is the delema thats been going on in my life at this point and time...
Jake and i were off and on for about a month then he "decided"?? that it would be best if we seperated and he thought the easiest way to get rid of me and forget me is to Hurt me by not coming to my Graduation.. By the way it was kick ass! We had Fireworks!
Then i Met a guy named JAmes. and he is amazing but im not ready for a relationship right now with anyone....Anyone but the one that HAS my heart. I want to start over with no lies or secrets about them boys coming over or my pretending to be okay when im not. This is a new start and i cant wait
im gunna go now...
I love you Jake!!!
I cant wait to sleep in our bed agian!!!
2 more days and life is ours agian