May 03, 2005 12:47
I chose 10 livejournal friends to write about. See if you can guess who you are, and who everyone else is.
1. You always make me laugh, and even though you are always drunk or seem drunk, you have such a good heart and I am going to miss you when you move away. Sorry for beating you with reeds.
2. You have been my friend for a really long time. You're like a sister to me because we fight a lot too. But even though we fight, we always get back together and usually stronger. We'll be friends forever because we've lasted this long. Back off buzzard.
3. A lot was said and I will never forget it. You are going places, so good luck with that.
4. You make me feel like a giddy little schoolgirl. You know I am jealous of your freckles and I can always bullshit with you about the silliest things. You have a huge heart and have done a lot for me, even if it just means taking the bus all over creation to make me feel comfortable.
5. You are one of the nicest people I know. Even though I like hitting you, I love you so much and I hope we never ever stop being friends. You have always been there for me when I need you and we've had so many good movie nights and I love your bed.
6. You are always there to laugh at me and be a cynnical bitch. You knock sense into me when I say/do/feel stupid or unwise things. I am jealous of your cd collection.
7. I don't know you very well but I think you have the coolest eyes and the coolest hair. You love kittens and I'd like to hang out with you more.
8. You don't ever stop giving. You were there for me on the worst night of my life, when I just sat and cried. I showed up on your doorstep with dead eyes and you just let me sit there on your couch and be quiet. That means a lot to me. You know exactly how to comfort someone. I want to eat gravy with you more and go to the dufferin this summer. You really care about me and it warms my heart.
9. You have the coolest style and I love your tattoos! You're so cute and hot and I just want to hug you. We need to hang out more. GO out for drinks or something. I still want to get my lip pierced.
10. You made my shitty job more fun by keeping me company and talking. You're so cool and I'm happy for you that you have found success (wink wink) Sorry for hitting you when I drink. Lets hang out before you move.