SPN Recs: Brother Banter

May 27, 2008 06:05

For the past several months I've been collating recs (god bless del.icio.us) for all the different fandoms I read in (which is a lot), towards the aim of a) being able to re-find shit I've read and b) being an actual active member of fandom in SOME sort of capacity, which I haven't really done in the last 8 years or so.

So this is the first of, hopefully, a long series of themed rec posts about basically where ever I'm at in fandom at the time. Right now I'm pretty solidly in SPN fandom, with long forays into J2 RPS, so I'll start off there.

Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: Brotherly Banter, fics that I think capture best the joking, teasing, needling, and loving aspects of sibling dialog.
Recs: 12

Crap Job, by SciFiNutTX (Gen)
Keywords: Outsider POV
Snippet: “Like this is my fault,” Sam huffed. “Figures.” “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Dean demanded. “You always blame me,” Sam replied. “Hey!” The robber shouted, looking distressed. “Robbery in progress, remember?”

The Idea of an Island, by eighth_horizon (Gen)
Keywords: Outsider POV, Ficlet
Snippet: Carrie figured if looked like she was working, they’d ignore her and she could eavesdrop and stare. “Blood poisoning,” Gary said. “That's it?” They were FBI. Hot undercover gay FBI guys looking for serial killers. Wow. This was going in her LJ.

This Wasteland of Open Sky (1/2), by lyra_wing (Sam/Dean)
Keywords: Teenchesters
Summary: Dean and Sam take a road trip, during the summer before Sam's sophomore year of high school. Adventure, wonder, confused feelings, and maybe a little bit of growing up, too. This story was inspired by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and all the Latin American writers of magical realism.
Snippet: Sam grins. "Why do-" "Shut up. One day, one very important day, I won't throw scissors, and then what? You'll be screwed." Dean pops open the driver's door and gets in the car. "I'm just saving it up." "Uh-huh," says Sam, still smiling. First Hour, by Merry (Gen)
Keywords: Stanford-era
Summary: Dean tries to let go; Sam tries not to.
Snippet: "Dude," Sam says when Dean picks up. "Do your own laundry." "What?" "Were you trying to stow away?" Sam asks kindly. "Because it would work better if you were actually in the shirt."
Results I Can See Today, by eighth_horizon (Sam/Jess)
Keywords: AU, Standford-era, Fluff
Summary: AU where there was no rift when Sam left for college. There's no big fight, and Sam doesn't swear he's done hunting.
Snippet: "Let's just go," Sam said, "Wherever the hell we're going. And don't treat Jess like that, or I'll kick your ass." "Chivalry is dead, Sam," Dean said. "Gloria Steinem hoisted it on its own petard and pulled a Bobbit on the petard."
And the Highway Lines Pass By (1/4), by philalethia (Sam/Dean)
Keywords: Dean's Deal
Summary: Sam and Dean in the first three months following the S2 finale.
Snippet: "No, no, Sammy, it's fine. You think we need it, we probably do." Except they don't, and Dean knows it. Sam's just being stubborn and stupid, and he was born with some kind of biological imperative to be a pain in Dean's ass. But no way in hell is Dean letting Sam know how much the calendar really bothers him. "But you're buying me crayons the next place we stop, and I'm decorating it."
Tricks are for Kids, by Vehemently (Gen)
Keywords: Dean's Deal
Summary: A series of road games. An epic goof-off opportunity. A lexicon.
Snippet: "Oh, man, Wile E. That dude needs a medal." There was no way he could know Sam was awake, so for all Dean knew he was telling the walls. "Or maybe they should put him in charge of NASA."
Sucker Bet, by candacehilligoss (Dean/Other, Sam/Dean pre-slash)
Keywords: Dean's Deal, Casefile, Mom!Dean
Summary: Yeah, it's the old gay bar trope.
Snippet:  Someone had told their father once that Dean had been blessed with angelic looks and a devilish way about him. Their father had thereafter kept that someone, a lady in her mid to late cougars, well away from both his sons, but Sam didn't think he'd disagreed with the statement.
Waiting Games (1/2), by nutkin (Sam/Dean)
Keywords: Powers!Sam
Summary: The bad news is that Sam's ability is changing. The worse news is that he's having visions of him and Dean. Doing that.
Snippet: "The only reason I haven't left you by the side of the road with a, 'Will Fortune-Tell For Food,' sign is cause I sang you to sleep when you were five. You're just some person, there's no freakin' incentive to not weed you outta the gene pool." Sam huffs. "Why do I even talk to you."
General Specific, by eighth_horizon (Gen)
Keywords: AU, Casefile, Disability!fic, Powers!Sam, Mom!Dean
Summary: Sam has always had visions and is not quite right as a result. Don't worry; he's mostly happy. Sam and Dean hunt for the 'special children' gone bad when they're not hunting demons with their father.
Snippet: “Dean Winchester,” she said, “I know you’re there. How is Sam?” She wasn't asking in the polite way people did, and she wasn’t asking 'how is your crazy brother.' Her tone said she was asking because something should be wrong with Sam.
No Sweeping Exits or Offstage Lines, by sneaky-sena (Sam/Other, Sam/Dean UST)
Keywords: Humor, Angst
Summary: He hates that the years Sam was gone are so hidden from him, hates that he has to get to know his own brother all over again.
Snippet: "Oh," Sam says. He takes a swig of beer. "We just used to go out is all. Running into an ex is always weird." "You used to go out where?" Dean asks before Sam's words sink in. "Oh," he says. Sam nods. "Yeah. Oh."
Charm City, by Hth (Sam/Bayliss)
Keywords: Crossover (Homicide: Life on the Streets)
Summary: You know that thing I do sometimes where I get characters from different universes to have sex and talk about how much they have in common? I did that thing.
Snippet: “Dude,” Dean says, “he’s like Dad’s age. I’m just saying, you shouldn’t go too bargain-bin, you know? It’s Baltimore, but still, you’re a good-looking guy; you can buy retail. Hey, you’re a Winchester, right?” “I don’t know why I tell you anything,” Sam says. “Yeah, me either,” Dean says.

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