Sat, 23:47: RT @ LizShuler: 112 years ago, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire killed nearly 150 young, mostly immigrant women within a horrifying 15 m…
Sat, 23:49: RT @ HillaryMonahan: IA should exist. IA should operate like a real library and purchase books to lend readers so authors can live above th…
Sat, 23:58: RT @ AnneLouiseAvery: The redstarts are back, said Wolf, who was sitting in a sheltered spot in the kitchen garden eating saffron buns. Look…
Sat, 23:59: RT @ AnneLouiseAvery: It was Our Lady Day, the first quarter day of the year & Old Fox was a hive of activity. When Wolf came down for break…
Sun, 10:31: RT @ chrisfreeland: Hello, internet. I'm a librarian at the Internet Archive. Important reminder that @ ChuckWendig: - is not involved in the…
Sun, 10:47: RT @ JuliusGoat: THE OLD NORMAL Professional landlord Donald Trump, after a lifetime of committing crimes right in the open, is, I’m told,…
Sun, 10:52: RT @ salty_kiwi: Some TERF just told me she supports my right to exist, but I shouldn’t use women’s bathrooms 😂 Jesus wept, I am a cis woman…