Sat, 13:29: RT @ AnneLouiseAvery: Can you make egg sandwiches for supper, asked Wolf. Of course, said Old Fox & as he waited for the eggs to boil, he st…
Sat, 17:23: RT @ juliacarriew: The patient did not consent to their private communications with their therapist being made public, nor did their therapi…
Sat, 17:23: RT @ DrMRFrancis: Jesse Singal has made it clear that no violations of law, medical privacy, or journalistic ethics are as important as ruin…
Sat, 21:13: 🎂 Birthday🎉 shenanigans with birria, antiquing, an old fashioned, red velvet x cheesecake, and LOTS OF ✨️GLITTER✨️
Sun, 08:04: RT @ Econ_Marshall: We're about to witness a hilarious about-face as Silicon Valley ghouls re-brand themselves to be as sympathetic bailout…
Sun, 08:05: RT @ Kerria: Listen as the fox slowly and deftly unbinds his whole pack of tricks-his flattery and fine words, his warm and sugary russet ch…
Sun, 08:06: RT @ lib_crusher: I try not to think about the amount of money that has effectively been set on fire in Silicon Valley the past 15 years. Re…
Sun, 08:06: RT @ Low_rax: @ lib_crusher The fact that apparently the greatest wealth generation engine this country has had for the last 2 decades depend…
Sun, 08:17: RT @ AlanVRK: @ Austin_Federa If one regulation-dodging bank with its fingers in everything was "vital" to this engine, it's not wealth-gener…
Sun, 08:18: RT @ DavidOAtkins: @ Austin_Federa Much of what it has produced has been toxic to democracy and mental health, while massively increasing ine…
Sun, 08:20: RT @ weaseljug: @ Austin_Federa If that much wealth can disappear overnight, we should probably ask “did it ever exist in the first place?”…
Sun, 08:23: RT @ AuschwitzMuseum: Auschwitz was at the end of a long process. We must remember that it did not start from gas chambers. This hatred gr…
Sun, 08:23: RT @ mairE_keyL: Worth retweeting For obvious reasons Stand up For others when you see abuse 🙏🏼🤍
Sun, 08:25: RT @ poisonjr: COPS: There was an officer-involved roadside encounter this morning involving a young woman who passed away during the incide…
Sun, 08:27: RT @ AnneLouiseAvery: 🐺🌿If you like my twitter tales, why not join my patreon! Access to a vast archive of close to 1000 stories, recipes &…
Sun, 08:29: RT @ GitmoGinni: @ mendesbob Metro should act like business as usual. Let the state fight it in court. Keep operating on 40 council people.…
Sun, 08:34: RT @ ParkerMolloy: idk! I tend to think that unless there's some major reason to believe otherwise, that it's better to leave medical decisi…
Sun, 08:35: RT @ TransiTorri: @ ParkerMolloy Of all the things they've pulled to remake from the 80's, Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, they had t…
Sun, 08:46: RT @ ananavarro: A woman in Iowa got Rom DeSaster to pose with a snowflake ❄️ made-up of the word, “fascist” over and over again. I don’t kn…
Sun, 09:01: RT @ theastralj: Spent a decade around tech founders that justified hoarding this 'generated wealth' from their employees because 'founders…
Sun, 11:26: RT @ RottenInDenmark: If you’re confused about why everyone is shouting about HIPAA today, here’s a thread to explain. Last month, a whist…
Sun, 11:28: RT @ RottenInDenmark: A few weeks later, local outlets reported that they had spoken to more than 20 parents of kids treated at the gender c…
Sun, 11:35: RT @ RottenInDenmark: It seems clear, at least to me, this child did not genuinely believe they were a helicopter. This episode is far mor…
Sun, 11:35: RT @ RottenInDenmark: It’s also revealing of journalists so desperate to believe that children are transitioning without assessment that the…
Sun, 11:43: RT @ ariel__gordon: @ RottenInDenmark They’re also disingenuously claiming that people now only care about the HIPAA stuff instead of the und…
Sun, 11:48: RT @ Convolutedname: After years of posts like "only the grind makes you stronger" while getting showered with money SV and VC people facing…