Nov 08, 2007 10:32
Well I haven't be on here for like forever. I just felt I needed to vent a bit so why not here on lj. no one reads this anyways.
So I haven't been the net in like forever since school and the real world have been and still continue to keep my life busy and stressed.
Anyways i digress so i try to check out my usual bookmarked fav places to catch up and dl my asian obsessions and i find that they no longer exist. like the pickings aren't slim already T___T
I mean its been so hard lately to dl or find current info on like gackt and on hyde. If anybody reading this knows of some good places to dl this stuff please let me know. I have gotten so behind in video content that i'm ashamed to call myself a fan really.
don't get me wrong i'm sure there are some good places but in reality i lack the time to go search for them like i use to. damn back then i would provide others with goodness.