You'll answer this, won't you?^^
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship?
02) What was your dream growing up?
03) What talent do you wish you had?
04) If I bought you a drink what would it be?
05) Favorite vegetable?
06) What was the last book you read?
07) What zodiac sign are you?
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings?
09) Worst Habit?
10) If
Read more... )
no.2: wow a teacher o__O;;
no.3: i want to know how to dance too!! damn! i'm gonna make my son/daughter learn how to dance like hyukkie!!!! D<
no.5: ooo!! i LOVE chinese cabbage! when you fry it with carrots and mushrooms and meat *drools*
no.9: day dreaming's not a bad habit 8DD i mean, just look at me! i always day dream and look how i turn out?? :DD (no boyfriend, highly addicted to SJ, all my friends think i'm weird and always on cloud 9)
no.10: ORRRR you can PIGGYBACK me!!!! 8D (no, i bet you can't lift me up -__-)
no.11: arnis? o: what's arnis?
no.12: wow! i really look up to optimistic people! (is pessimistic)
no.13: FOOOOOODDD!!! 8D *actually i'd gossip about SJ forever!*
no.14: i know! luckily my school uniform was dark gray, and i always had a jacket with me Dx other than that, i've been blessed with luckiness cuz it always comes on weekends <3
no.15: well i believe in donghae :> does that count too? xDD
no.16: aww T_T i had a turtle and 3 guppies, turtle got hungry and ate my 3 guppies over night ._____. should've fed it LOL.
no.17: and THEN i'd steal all your SJ collectibles x3
no.18: Dx i'm not a skilled writer!! no no noooo~~~~~~~ but at least it's a good impression xDD !!!
no.20: i think baby fats are cute!! *pinches cheeks* :DDDDD
no.23: *arrests you* you have been arrested for stealing SJ's hearts! HAHAAHHAAHAHAH <3 yes, this is how i live :))
no.27: i believe in ghosts ;__; one of the reason why i'm afraid of darkness >.< i feel like a ghost is gonna pop out at any moment! but i always sleep with 100% lights off, and when i'm under my blanket, i feel safe :3
no.30: haha!! i had the SAME question to my friend :DD "h a pet peeve it's something you really REALLY hate like for example people who are judgmental, homophobes or even something like when the clasp of a necklace is not at the back." COPY AND PASTE FTW!!!!!! xDDDD
yay~ thanks for filling it up~~~~ ^.^
no.2: ^^ well i got inspired by them... but since, i'm not really smart i don't think that i will pass as an educator><
no.3: YEA~! even tough we're not able to be the best at it, at least our future babies will:D:D:D
no.5: OMG~! you're making me hungry*drools too*
no.9: i guess so... but if you daydream in a middle of a lecture with a seriously strict mentor then DAYDREAMING is BAD!!!
no.10: 8D sure~! i don't know... i'm a pretty strong girl *poses like super man* LOL :D:D:D
no.11: it's a sport where you will need two strong wooden sticks.... it's like self-defense, in a way^^
no.13: FOOOOOODDD!!! 8D *actually i'd gossip about SJ forever!* Yea~! we can do that while we eat:) we shall multi-task8D
no.14: I wish i have luck like that>< The worst is that, our skirts are checkered pattern...... and it's color is FREAKING WHITE with some red...:( *sigh* that was the worst day of my life...
no.16: ohhh... that's unfortunate:( but i think turtles are cute^^ thanks to you i just learned a lesson... "never make a turtle hungry, it might eat something its not supposed to"
no.17: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! you can't do that><
no.18: no... don't doubt your-self... EMBRACE YOUR AWESOMENESS~! OH YEAH!!!
no.20: why, thank you very much:"""> *blush*
no.27: whenever i watch horror movies, i will be too scared to go to my own room... that's why my sister never let's me watch because she knows i will sleep in her bedroom:))
no.30: oh... well then, i can't stand arrogant people>:( they never fail to make my mood foul><
You're Welcome^^... it's always nice to meet some new friends^^
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