BUT the thing is...? I think I'm starting to see why that might be happening. If you peek in at SME, for example, from the "outsiders" point of view. . . are they truly monopolizing the industry? Are they really just that good at promotion? Is it all about the money and how much they've gained from former and current acts? Or is it over-saturation in general? >.>; Nobodoy knows for certain but the execs of all the entertainment companies themselves, I suppose, and they surely aren't telling, so why bother getting worked up about any of it?
'Cause really, REALLY good artists are getting completely fracking ignored or hated on by the SME'machine and it sucks! OMFG MKMF! wtf are you thinking?! arseholes. no nominations for DoubleS - even though Find was fucking BEAUTIFUL. BEAUTIFUL, DO YOU HEAR MEEEEEE?! >O DejaVu and ASCFY? NOTHING. AND Supernova?! no nod for superstar. though, sheet - they're the most underrated group in kpop today and I hate it 'cause I love them and the whole concept. STARS YAY. =\ and OHOH I SEE THEY ARE GOING TO USE HYUNJOONG'S CRYING FACE ALONGSIDE YOOCHUN'S TO PROMOTE THE SHOW THOUGH?! HOLEE SHIT, STOP USING HJL's MASSIVE RECENT POPULARITY TO PROMOTE YOUR AWARDS SHOW BUT NOT EVEN BOTHER TO NOMINATE HIS GROUP?!?! WHAAAAAAAAAT?! i hate you all. :|
And yet, the unintelligent seem to take their hate out on the artists themselves, not the system. I'm indifferent to a lot of 'em, that's totally true - but the bashing, good lord. No. Never. Nnnnahuh. I don't hate any of the artists. Don't care, or don't care enough...yeah, that applies to some...but. grrgh. I guess I don't have it in my heart to truly hate anybody that makes music, no matter who it is. o_o oh, and if i'm being a total hypocrite and ya'll have seen me say "I hate so-n-so so much they should die." at some point in the past? sorry, my memory fails and you're welcome to smack me for it now. ;D
Enough of that! I made
THIS LAST NIGHT and it's really, really freaking good. Even the leftovers are yum. *A*