Whoa, this one is a little early, yeah. o__o BUT ANYWAYS. This is totally a fandom post. Which fandom? SQUARE-ENIX *___* !!! VIDEO GAMES YAY. I haven't done a video-game-only fandom post yet so I might as well start now, right? :D Unfortunately, only four games under the cut. Hope you like them anyway xD;
*PIMPING* ffxiii_awards An icontest dedicated to the Fabula Nova Crystallis compilation of Final Fantasy XIII ! If you can't wait for the release of the games and love making icons, go check it out~ ♥
dissidiaawards A *NEW* icontest! The icontest is dedicated to the upcoming PSP game, DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY. We need fifteen members to start with the challenges, so if you liked the first ten Final Fantasy games, and like making icons, go check it out!