May 08, 2006 13:29
I am only taking 3 classes to graduate. Drawing 2 (intro to drawing), ECS 15 (intro to computers), and Comp lit 3 (the modern Crisis)...and they are all incredibly easy and enjoyable...but I CAN'T get myself to actually do the work! I feel so guilty and bad for slacking...I know it's my last quarter and I have to put in so little effort to get the fuck out of here...maybe I'm pulling my most classic move: sabotaging myself...? Maybe. I DO want to leave Davis, but failing a couple classes would be an easy way to stay. But that's one of the stupidest ideas ever. UC Davis is WAY too expensive and I don't have anything to stay here for. Not to say that all my wonderful friendlies aren't worth staying for, but most of them are leaving and I don't have to stay in Davis to keep in touch with these people!
From where I'm sitting, I can see the book I should be reading...and I can see my drawing pads...Literally, my homework consists of drawing my own bathroom and making an excel document. WHY is this so hard?
Only a little over a month before it’s over. How can it be over? Where did sophomore and junior year go? What the fuck am I supposed to do now? I'm thinking about moving to Portland...there seems to be a mass exodus from Davis to Portland but I've heard the job market sucks up there. I've also heard that California is one of the only states with At-Will-employment, which means that you can be hired and quit whenever you want whereas other states require you to sign a contract for how long you'll be working there and whatnot. So all that means is that I have even less incentive to leave California...I love San Diego, it is a beautiful city where I can relate to the people, my family is there, and I know how to deal. That's one of the big problems I have...I want to be challenged. I can always go home to SD and be complacent and comfortable in my hometown...but coming to Davis really changed me. Adapting to a new place and situation and people has made me into a stronger and better person. I want to continue that...I just gotta find a new city. There's always the bay area...this may sound silly, but SF scares me...I ALWAYS get attacked in some way when I visit the city...There is also LA, but that's the most horrible city on earth...I don't know. I might even go abroad for a while. I have all this inheritance $ once I graduate and I can either make it into a nice nest-egg/emergency fund...OR I could live in Argentina for 6 months and start dancing Tango again! Traveling sounds fun...
I'm graduating college and about to start my own life in a new city, should I have some emergency funds for my new life of should I celebrate finishing 4 years of college by blowing it all on some amazing trip? I mean, I am not tied down by anything. I have no boyfriend, lover, or job that would keep me from going and doing whatever I wanted...and people always say that you should travel while you're young...I don't want to wait until I'm retired to then the world will be so polluted and fucked over by war, I wont want to leave my house!
Oh well, at least my dilemma doesn't involve boys at all! ...thank god...