Aug 09, 2005 01:51
Today I woke up and there was a bird IN my house. My cat's brought it in to play with, I guess. It was kind of scary. I had to get a towel and go find it and pick it up and throw it outside. That was a big run on sentence. I don't really like wild animals, they just remind me of dirtiness and diseases. So I was pretty grossed out.
Then I got ready for work and took off around 12:30. I only worked about 4 hours today because I was just called in to cover someone who had to re-locate to a different store. I worked at the Service Desk and that's always a good time. Working up there you always have something to do and it makes the time go by much faster. It's nice.
After work I had to wait for my mother to come with some gas. On the way to work I realized that my gas gague was very very low. As I was pulling into my parking spot, my car was making some weird noises. mother brought me some gas and I got home alright.
When I got home safely, I made me some dinner, then Michael came over with his dinner. We went to the gas station so I could fill up. After that trip we went to his house and pulled some weeds. That was a grand time. We started to get bored and we picked up Casey. She makes me happy!
But when Michael ditched us, we went to go meet Bekah and Laura. All four of us went to Taco Bell for Casey and Laura. Then we went to SVSU to walk around and Bekah gave us a little tour. I think she made the right choice to go there!
On our way home, some boys hollered at us. "Your beautiful, love me, kiss me, caress me" is something like what they said. Don't hear that very often...
I really want to meet some new people. Or hang out with someone I haven't seen/spoken to in a really long time. I want to learn about someone. I want to be excited when someone walks into the room. I want to pick through someone's shell and get to their unfamiliar side. I want to understand someone to the fullest extent. I want to be mystified. Then I want to be satisfied.
Things have been somewhat messed up lately. It seems that whenever I start to have a decent relationship with someone, something catastrophic happens and we are torn apart. I can't take it anymore. I am sick of everying failing. I try and try to keep the good things going. I guess I am not good enough. I really don't know what else to do. I try to be the best person I can be, but it's never good enough. I really need a change. I need to make a change. I need to do something!!