My baby isn't a baby anymore

Aug 03, 2004 10:12

Three days since N last nursed. He may not know it yet, but he's weaned. I don't plan to let him nurse again, which I'm pretty sure won't go over well when he does ask again. But we've dealt with that before, so I can deal with it again. I'm sad, but I don't know if it's all related to N not nursing again or more wrapped up in my fear that I'll never get to nurse a baby again. Well, I wanted N weaned before I got pregnant again, so I guess that's taken care of. Now if only sperm meets egg and has a nice long relationship, I'll be a happy camper.

N also wore underwear all day yesterday with only one minor accident. My mom decided that I was being wishy washy, letting him wear a diaper, but encouraging him to pee/poop in the potty. She told him he couldn't wear diapers anymore and gave him the option of wearing boxers or briefs. He chose the Bob the Builder briefs. I was at work when the decision was made. I don't know if I'd have pushed him. I don't think he'd have handled me pushing him as well as he's handled it from my mom. So, Thursday we are driving to the beach with N in underwear. Should be an interesting trip.

Last night I took N to swimming lessons. He did great and we had a good time. Afterwards N wanted a shower. I took off his swimsuit and swimdiaper and he walked up to the wall of showers (5 in a row, most in use by moms and their 2 year olds), put his hands on his hips, and peed into the drain. Not sure where he learned that particular maneuver, as he's never been in the bathroom when DH pees. Oh well, at least he did it right into the drain. LOL

Sigh, when he stops calling piglet "pliget", I'll know my baby is gone.
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