Oct 11, 2004 05:39
A note to my boy:
Three years ago today I went to work, not in the least suspecting that the day would end with a baby in my arms. I can't believe three years have gone by so fast. They've been some of the most challenging, exciting, exhausting, and wonderful years of my life. I'm still not getting a full night's sleep most nights, but I figure you will start sleeping through the night about the time I need to start staying awake worrrying about what you are up to.
Everyday you amaze us with some new skill or crack us up with some new insight. You know all your letters, numbers, colors, and shapes and have already begun reading some simple words. Your favorite things in the world are to wrestle with your daddy and your stuffed animals, to play in the treehouse your grandpa built, and to snuggle and read with me. Your favorite mode of transportation is still in mommy's arms, but you'll accept a ride on my back as a compromise. Your strong personality frustrates me at times, but I can see in the future what a strong man you will become. Your perceptiveness and attention to detail continue to amaze me daily.
In some ways, you are still my baby, but you are so much a little boy already. I'll miss the little one who calls Piglet "pliget", but I'm loving the adventures we are having as we explore together each day.
Happy birthday, sweetie! I love you.