Dec 30, 2011 21:09

AAAHHHH okay, okay, I have SO MANY THINGS I want to write about in here (a bit of RL angst because there is a lot of it and I need to write just a little of it here, but mostly MUHHHHHLINNNY THINGS), and I need to catch up a bit on dear ol' flisty flist and fandomy things (seriously, all I ever do online is tumblr anymore, it is sad and yet not), but right now, I only need to say:

Just came home from watching Sherlock Holmes: A Gay of Shadows and I NEED ALL OF THE FIC RECS YOU CAN GIVE ME, FLIST, PLEEEAAASE. Their love! Their love, my god. The tumbles! The looks! The hand-holding! The dancing! The banter! ALL OF ITTT. I cried, tbh. And I think I loved it even more than the original. Here, I offer you That Interview, for your viewing pleasure even if you've already seen it dozens of times: RDJ & JL being an old married couple on Graham Norton


sherlock holmes, movies, recs

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