How to create a Haruka RP, hm~~~♥. I myself grew up on forum RP and am most familiar with that and real-time RP, but since we're all here, LJ community is probably the way to go. XD
Structured but casual fun is my vision. And lots of Hachiyou love. :) If we can get even one good story out of this, I think it will have been a success!
Idea 1: Multiple, concurrent storylines, each contained within its own post+comments thread. (If a storyline gets long, it can be chaptered into a new post. "The Tale of the Heike, Part 2", says the Subject line.) Each storyline will be proposed by someone (or someones) who will take the role of "head writer" or Game/Dungeon Master or whatever title they'd like to use (i.e. someone with the "authority" to nudge and/or correct the flow of the storyline if things go awry). Each storyline will have a summary-and-sign-up post opened for a time (however long it takes to gather a cast, I suppose ^^), and then there will be a follow-up post where the actual storyline action will take place. These storyline posts will be indexed in the comm info page/an index post that will also show the storyline's status (i.e. in progress, completed, on hiatus, open attendance). Having the opportunity for multiple storylines to be open at the same time provides a way around the problem of choosing an ultimate "Haruka 1 2 or 3?" Many threads also allows for more flexibility, letting old er stories die off and new ones appear as participants' (real life) circumstances and interests dictate, without stemming the flow of creativity.
Idea 2: Long(er)-term, large(r)-scale RP, with a single, possibly more complex storyline and a more or less permanent cast for the duration. Multi-world crossover?
Idea 3: For the people who've played the games: like idea 2, but we provide the opportunity for fans without access to the games to come in and let us give them a guided, RP'd experience through the game-stories of Haruka. XD (Anyone who hasn't played the games, would you be interested in being Miko? XD)
Legal disclaimers will be posted loud and clear. 8) Participants will generally be by invite only (i.e. friends and friends of friends), but anyone interested can feel free to apply with writing samples and a short statement of why they want in. For those who can swing real-time chat RP (AIM, MSN?), post the logs to share! :D It seems most interested parties have had some degree of fandom RP experience, and those who have not will likely be of-age and mature enough, so the rules of "no god-modding, no character maiming/death without consultation with the mods and involved parties, play nice, play attentively, post considerately, post (YES, POST) and post with quality, don't make things personal or take things personally" probably could go without saying. Creation of a new journal for RP only is encouraged but not mandatory.
Questions: Mostly readable to the public, or fully f-locked? Exclusively in third-person limited ("storybook style", one comm called it) or are storylines in first person (a la realtime chat) allowed? Anyone absolutely against het, slash, unusual pairings, seeing their disliked pairings pop up, or explicit sexual acts (which, by the way, per LJ's TOS I believe *must* be f-locked) -- let's say, as long as it's consensual between the parties involved (or at least the people writing for them >_>;; *cough*Tomomori*cough*)?
I seek thy feedback, Haruka-interested f-list. Go ahead and tag me with characters you're thinking you'd like to play, scenes or scenarios you'd like to have tried out, issues you'd like addressed or rules you'd like laid out before starting, and anything else that comes to mind.
Cheerfulhappyexcited. Like my icon. ^________^