Dec 08, 2006 21:50
1. If you could, would you be a movie star or a rock star? Which one, and why?
If I had to choose, movie star. I'd make it big and then retire fabulously wealthy and ignore all that. No interviews, no tell alls, no drama. PRIVACY PLEASE.
2. Have you ever been in the media (TV, radio, papers)?
Only if you count a photo of 3 year old me at the library's groundbreaking. Or published papers where I'm thanked.
3. Do you know anyone who's been on a reality TV show?
Don't think so.
4. Have you ever met anyone famous?
A kid of one bonked me in the knee and begged grapes until his semi-famous dad fell all over himself apologizing for his wee son. Plus all the internet infamous notables.
5. Who would play you in a movie?
No idea. Someone once mentioned Sandra Bullock, and while I'm flattered (cause I do like her humor bullshit,) I have no idea where that came from. Definitely not physical/motion. Maybe chagrined WTFness.