Помню, как однажды на лекциях по политическим мифологиям в Восточной Европе, обсуждали
румынскую легенду про строителя Маноле. Оказывается, у этой легенды есть и армянская версия.
Most Armenian churches in Romania are in local rather than Armenian style. At the same time, however, Armenian architecture and decorative arts enjoyed considerable influence in Romania. A French author claimed in the 19th century that from an architectural point of view the region of the Lower Danube was an Armenian colony. This assertion is obviously exaggerated, but it is not entirely unfounded. There are many Romanian churches where the Armenian influence is obvious. The churches of Dealu, Dragomirna, Curtea de Arges of the church of the Three Hierarchs are obvious examples. Quite interestingly, the famous legend of the difficult and tragic building of Curtea de Arges monastery has an Armenian counterpart - the legend of the Ashtarak bridge:
Armenian version: The bridge collapses every time its foundations are built. The old men in the village are advised to sacrifice an orphan to the river. A young girl is brought by her stepmother and closed in the foundation. When the wall reaches her knees, the girl sings:
They walled, dear mother, they walled,
Up to my knee they stoned…
Then she sings:
They walled, dear mother, they walled,
Up to my breast they stoned…
(…) They walled, dear mother, they walled,
Up to my throat they stoned…
After that, her voice is no longer heard and the foundations stay firm. Similar legends are associated with the bridges of Batman and Koter.
Интересная статья об армянском наследие Румынии (и не только):
Armenians in Romania
И немного про румынский город Герла, или Арменополис.